368 notes tagged with "permanent-notes"

Spaced Repetation

This is a learning method that improves recall and typically done with flashcards. This is based on the idea of a 'forgetting curve' - the rate at which we forget new information over time. If we are exposed to the information again at the main points of the forgetting curve, we will not forget it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #learning #meta-cognition

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Social identity theory

Social identity is the part of a person's self-concept that is made from their membership in a social group.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #identity #society #behavior

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Shirky Principle

Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #psychology #behavior

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Religion, a mode of knowing

Religious thinking is embedded in our cognitive process - its a mode of knowing.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #religion #behavior #cognition

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Proportionality Bias

We tend to believe that large events have large causes. This might be true in many instances, but not always.

Tagged With: #bias #permanent-notes #psychology #probability

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Keys To Intrensic Motivation

What drives us/gives us motivation...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #motivation #purpose #mastery #psychology

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Johari Window

This is a tool to surface elements of people that might not be known to themselves - but known to others. Its generally used to share feedback.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #feedback #framework

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Goal Gradient Effect

The closer to the goal we are, the more motivated we are to do it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #motivation #behavior #goal

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Feynman Technique

Zettelkasten uses a variant of this as it asks you to Capture Understanding - Don't Quote.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Factors Of Production

This model was introduced by Adam Smith - Grandfather of Economics

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #economics #society

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Economy Control Mechanisms

Type of Economy depends on

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #economics #society

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Documentation Framework - 4 Types

There are 4 types of documentation

Tagged With: #documentation #permanent-notes #framework

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Discomfort Drives Growth

Comfort can ruin you. Growth happens in discomfort.

Tagged With: #growth #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Authentic Listening - Reality

Listen to understand the reality of the speaker - treat it as the only reality. If done right, you should be able to recreate that reality in your own mind. If you can do this the other person will think that you "get" them.

Tagged With: #authentic #listening #reality #understanding #communication #permanent-notes

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Argument Dilution Effect

Arguments don't add up - they average out.

Tagged With: #behavior #permanent-notes #persuasion

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Analytics Maturity

The lower you go, the more mature the analytics will be.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #analysis #framework #metric

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Memory Formation During Trauma

Most of our memory is explicit memory. Its a memory of how the mind thinks of the event. It has a time stamp associated with it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #psychology

Published on Jul 08, 2024

Ifs Internal Family Systems

IFS is a therapy framework that looks at a different aspects of a person as 'Parts'. Its useful to see each part as a person - it will help you connect with the part.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #therapy #framework

Published on Jul 08, 2024

Chunking In Rag

We'll get the best answer to our question in RAG if we input the entire document collection as the context for the prompt. But this is expensive(large token size for the prompt). So to optimize this we only use the parts of the documents that is relevant to the question as the context.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rag #llm

Published on Jun 28, 2024

Rag Retrieval Augmented Generation

If you want to use LLMs with your own data, you can do it using RAG. You'll have to create a RAG Pipeline...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #llm #rag

Published on Jun 24, 2024

Vector Database

In the context of LLMs, vector is an array of numbers. This represents a point in a n-dimensional space - where n is the length of the array.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #llm #rag

Published on Jun 23, 2024

Psycho Analytic Theory

This is the theory that was developed by Sigmund Freud to explain human behavior. According to this theory, the conflict between the unconscious to do pleasurable things and the conscious to do the 'good' things creates all behavior. Most of this branch is no longer supported by modern psychology.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #therapy

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Trait Theory

Trait theory defines personality with stable and lasting behavior patterns and conscious motivations. It describe personality characteristics(or traits) - not explain why they are there. These Traits can predict behavior and attitude.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #personality #physiology #self

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Personality Psychology

Branch of psychology that studies personality and its variations. These show how individuals differ from each other.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #personality #psychology

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Environment For Self Growth

According to Carl Rogers, the growth of your self depends on what your environment gives you. For a healthy self, you would want these things…

Tagged With: #self #psychology #growth #permanent-notes

Published on Jun 02, 2024

Occams Razor

Simpler explanation is probably the right one.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models

Published on May 19, 2024

Super Thinking

Super thinking book is a list of Mental models for better decisions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #book #mental-models #decision-making

Published on May 19, 2024

Commodification Of Intrinsic Values

Value can be extrinsic(money) or intrinsic(love of your family, interest in a hobby). But in a market economy only extrinsic values are given any weight. This leads to commodification of intrinsic values.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #economics

Published on May 19, 2024

Niksen Art Of Doing Nothing

Niksen is making an intentional choice to sit down and day dream. It can be any activity where your brain is not engaged.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #relaxation

Published on May 19, 2024

High Mordernism

High Mordernism is the belief that science and technology will improve humanity - and as a result, try to get nature to bend to the will of central planning.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #design

Published on May 19, 2024

Self Esteem

While Self-concept is the belief of who we are(eg. I am introverted), Self-esteem is the value we attach to such a belief(eg. I hate that I am introverted).

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #self-improvement #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Ideal Self

This refers to who we want to be. This can be our long term goals, ambitions, etc. One interesting fact about your Ideal self is that it is dynamic. It is easier to change than most of the other components in Self-Concept.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Self Schema

Individual beliefs that you hold about yourself is called Self-Schema. Collectively, they make up the Self-Concept.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Self Image

Self-Image is how we see ourselves. It can be about your physical self(eg. I am tall) or about your current situation(Eg. I am a victim). These are stable beliefs - it's not very easy to change. It can be

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024


Person is a being who are part of our moral community.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #person #psychology

Published on Apr 15, 2024


Identity is the relationship that a thing bears only to itself.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #definition

Published on Apr 15, 2024

Philosophy Of Self In Eastern Traditions

Eastern Philosophy's view of self...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #philosophy

Published on Apr 12, 2024

Casual Communication Styles

Different communication styles people employ in casual settings...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #communication #therapy

Published on Apr 05, 2024

Philosophy Of Personal Identity

Different theories of how one person is themselves over time...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #identity #self

Published on Apr 01, 2024

Non Self

Buddhism has a different view of self when compared to the west.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #buddhism #self

Published on Mar 30, 2024

Technology Adoption Curve

People who adopt new technology fit in one of these 5 categories...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #marketing #society

Published on Jan 25, 2024


In economics, an externality is a cost to an uninvolved party because of the actions of another party. Its generally a non-financial price - but it can be positive or negative.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #economics

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Disconfirmation Bias

We tend to put a higher burden of proof for theories that we don't like / agree with / don't want to believe.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #bias #psychology #behavior

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Reframing a Problem

Looking at the problem from multiple different perspectives. Once you have different "frames" of looking at the same issue, you can choose a frame that is the most beneficial in that situation.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #problem-solving #strategy #meta-cognition

Published on Jan 24, 2024


There is a chance that one or more of the assumptions that we are relating on might be false. That puts the entire project at risk. We can 'De-risk' the project from this issue by identifying critical assumptions that we are making and testing these assumptions. If they prove to be false, change your strategy accordingly.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #strategy #risk

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Inverting a Problem

Approach the problem from the opposite side. Instead of thinking how we can win, think how we can lose. Instead of how to sell a lot, think how could we sell very few.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #problem-solving

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Storytelling 101

Parachute in, don't preamble: Cold start - start with the action. Don't go with weak openers like "I'm here to tell you a story about when I learned..."

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #story #marketing

Published on Jan 23, 2024

Pleasant Feelings

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #psychology

Published on Jan 17, 2024

Unpleasant Feelings

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #psychology

Published on Jan 17, 2024

Needs List

These are the needs listed in Non-Violent Communication

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #needs #communication

Published on Jan 17, 2024

Levels of Listening

In this the 1-4 are called the Otto Scharmer's 4 Levels of Listening.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #listening #communication #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

Stakeholder Map

List all your project stakeholders into 3 buckets...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #project-management #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

Option Selection Strategies

Different processes to come to a decision on which option to pick from a list of possible options. This happens in the Converge part of the meeting.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meetings #decision-making #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

Diverge-Converge Model

Use this to create many options - and then pick one option.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #meetings #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024


Framework that can be used to crowdsource decisions/ Diverge-Converge Model when facilitating a meeting

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meetings #framework #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

GRASS Model for Facilitation

GRASS Model is useful checklist to make sure that you'll be able to plan and run a meeting efficiently...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meetings #framework #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

Behaviour Influencers in Organizations

In corporations, there three ways to influence behaviour...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #framework

Published on Dec 28, 2023


Less, but better.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 22, 2023

ERG Theory

Alderfer's ERG theory is a different representation of the idea shown in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It shows human needs in three buckets...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #motivation #psychology

Published on Dec 22, 2023

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

This model shows human needs as a 5 level pyramid. You only go to an upper level if the lower levels are satisfied.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #psychology

Published on Dec 22, 2023

Conway's Law

Structure of the software will mirror the structure of the organization that built it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #software #organization #communication

Published on Nov 22, 2023

Stages of Awareness in Marketing

Your prospect/customer will be at 5 different stages with respect to their awareness about the problem, solution and products for your product area.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #marketing

Published on Nov 19, 2023

Behavioral Psychology

This is an aspect of Psychology which focuses on the environment as the cause for specific behaviours. Its a study and analysis of observable behaviour.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #behavior #therapy

Published on Oct 17, 2023


Scrum is a management framework that teams use to self-organize and work towards a common goal.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #project-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

Deming Cycle

This is a framework for continuous improvement and learning. It has for steps that can repeat...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #learning #change-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

Cone of Uncertainty

This is a concept in planning that says that estimates are more vague at the start of the project. As time progress, the estimates gets better because there are lesser things you are uncertain about.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #planning

Published on Jun 23, 2023

ADKAR Framework

This is a change management framework that stands for...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #change-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

Psychoactive, Psychotropic, Psychedelic

Psychoactive: Substances that reacts with your brain chemistry. Includes caffeine, CBD Psychotropic: Changes your perception of reality, mood, reality, perception of time. Eg. THC Psychedelic: Drastic changes in perception of reality, hallucinations. Eg. LSD

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychedelics

Published on Apr 20, 2023

Luck Surface Area

Your serendipity(aka. luck surface area) is directly proportional to the amount of work you do and the total number of people you have effectively communicated it to.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #communication #network

Published on Apr 19, 2023

Network State

A country that exists in a networked manner - places might be distributed all over the globe - but connected by internet and a shared national identity.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #politics

Published on Dec 02, 2022

Cognitive load theory

Different kinds of tasks has different demands on people’s working memory. More complex and difficult tasks has higher "cognitive load" and a greater perceived mental effort. There are 3 types of cognitive load..

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #pkm #meta-cognition

Published on Nov 25, 2022

Compression Progress

Humans have a natural curiosity - its a drive to learn patterns, rules, heuristic that lets you compress your understanding into something that's easier to remember. If you encounter a new rule that can better compress knowledge than the earlier one, that is 'compression progress'. Brain will use the better rule from then onward. We learn many such rules as children - but we refine them as we grow older. Brain rewards us with a good feeling or 'Aha moments' when we find a better rule.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #meta-cognition #pkm

Published on Nov 25, 2022


GTD/Getting Things Done is a time management system that works on the principle of getting information from your mind to an outside system. It follows this workflow...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #framework

Published on Oct 18, 2022

CODE Framework

This is part of the PARA method of Personal Knowledge Management.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #pkm #organization

Published on Oct 16, 2022

Knowledge Shields

The use of existing knowledge to prevent new and perhaps contradictory knowledge to come in. The mind will try to protect its existing beliefs. Knowledge Shields can lead to wrong conclusions and can make us discount evidence.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #meta-cognition

Published on Oct 16, 2022

Cognitive Bias

Cognitive Bias is a known error in the thinking process. These are generally caused by brain using shortcuts to process large amount of inputs.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #psychology #meta-cognition #cognition

Published on Oct 15, 2022

Epistemic Trespassing

When someone judges/gives opinion on matters outside their area of expertise. Eg. A football star talking about a political situation.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #epistemology #society

Published on Oct 15, 2022

Memory Distorts Over Time

Different ways a memory can change...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #psychology #meta-cognition

Published on Oct 10, 2022

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a time management method that divides a day into multiple time blocks. Each block is for a specific task, with the intention to stay focused on that task exclusively. To use this well, create your task list in advance - ideally at the start of the day.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #time-management #framework

Published on Oct 03, 2022

Dichotomy of Control

This is a concept in Stoicism. In its simplest form...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #stoicism #framework

Published on Oct 02, 2022

Locus of Control

This refers to how we believe where the power in our life lies.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #framework #belief

Published on Oct 02, 2022

Deterministic Universe

Also called a clockwork universe. We will be in a deterministic universe if everything is predictable. If all actions are the direct result of earlier actions and laws governing interactions between system.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy

Published on Oct 02, 2022


Stoicism is a Greek philosophy that aims to teach how to be content no matter what the external circumstances are.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #stoicism #philosophy #framework

Published on Sep 28, 2022

Learning is adding to Long Term Memory

Learning is adding things to your long term memory.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #learning #cognition #meta-cognition

Published on Sep 28, 2022

Writing Process

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #writing #process #framework

Published on Sep 09, 2022

Survival Strategies

Evolutionary Ecology has 2 Survival strategies:

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #evolution #strategy #nature #biology

Published on Jul 25, 2022

Gamification - Octalysis Framework

These are the different methods used to motivate people to play games. But it can be used in other fields too. These can be used to drive behaviour.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #gamification #framework #behavior

Published on Jul 21, 2022

Bonding amoung Men

Men bond with other men by a couple of methods...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #gender #behavior #psychology #relationship

Published on Jul 12, 2022

Atomic visuals to communicate your ideas

Atomic Visuals: simple, quick images

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #visual-intelligence #communication #illustration

Published on May 22, 2022

Optimizing Load Algorithm - TCP with AIMD

To find the ideal load for a system, double the load in each iteration. Once the system fails, half the last load and increase load by one for each iteration. The load before the next failure is the ideal load.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #algorithm #problem-solving

Published on May 20, 2022

Selection Algorithm - 37% Rule

When you want a fast method to select the best option, use this rule.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #algorithm #problem-solving

Published on May 20, 2022

Encode framework

Framework to use when creating notes in the Zettelkasten format.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #zettelkasten #pkm #notes #learning

Published on May 20, 2022

Conflict Resolution Strategies

People have a preferred conflict resolution strategy. This is explored in the Thomas-Kilmann Model

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #conflict #conflict-resolution

Published on May 18, 2022

Creativity comes from internalized knowledge

Creativity and problem solving is better when you have internalized knowledge about the problem domain. This helps you make quick connections, try multiple combinations, see patterns and intuit answers.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #creativity #knowledge #pkm #learning #problem-solving

Published on May 18, 2022


When boundaries between the identity of personal and professional gets blurred. The professional identity becomes the personal identity.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #career #psychology #identity

Published on May 15, 2022

DOSE - Brain Hormones

Many of these stimulate the Vagus Nerve.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognition

Published on May 15, 2022

Facets of Mental Health

How someone feels can depend on multiple facets. A disease can be because of a combination of biology(genes), behavior(lifestyle) and environment.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #mental-health

Published on May 15, 2022

Habits and Deliberate Practice is Mastery

We tend to do habits without thinking after a point - at this stage its easy to have errors - which we repeat. This is not good long term.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #practice #habit #productivity

Published on Apr 17, 2022

Boredom with Habits

One thing that separates the mediocre from the great is acceptance of boredom. Anyone can stick to habits when you are motivated to do it. It takes better people to stick to it when they are not motivated - when they are bored of it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #motivation #habit

Published on Apr 17, 2022

Commitment Device

Commitment Device is a choice you make in the present that locks in better behavior in the future.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity

Published on Apr 17, 2022

Goldilocks Rule

Humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are right on the edge of their current abilities.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #motivation

Published on Apr 17, 2022

Accountability Partner

Accountability partner is someone who can monitor our habits - and reward/punish us for the habits. They create an immediate cost to bad behavior. Just knowing someone else is watching you is a good motivator.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #productivity

Published on Apr 17, 2022

Habit Tracker

Habit Tracker is a visual indicator of your progress. The simplest form is a Scienfield calendar - just mark the days where you did the habit. The idea is to not break the chain.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #productivity

Published on Apr 17, 2022

Behaviour Change - Make the craving attractive

Law 2 of Behavior Change in Atomic Habits.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #psychology #productivity

Published on Apr 16, 2022

Behaviour Change - Make the Reward Satisfying

Law 4 of Behavior Change in Atomic Habits.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #psychology #productivity

Published on Apr 16, 2022

Behaviour Change - Make the Action Easy

Law 3 of Behavior Change in Atomic Habits.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #psychology #productivity

Published on Apr 16, 2022

Behaviour Change - Make Cues Obvious

Law 1 of Behavior Change in Atomic Habits.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #psychology #productivity

Published on Apr 16, 2022

Atomic Habits

Habits are small actions repeated many times - enough to become automatic. It is the compound interest of our behavior. They can be good or bad.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #psychology #productivity

Published on Apr 16, 2022

Social Media Distorts Sense making

We are programmed to observe the world and generalize our experiences into mental modals that can be used to understand and predict the world.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #social-media #behavior

Published on Apr 09, 2022

Conversational Group Limit

Dunbar, who created the Dunbar's Number, says that language is a 'cheap' form of social grooming(akin to flea picking in apes). Its more efficient - you can talk to more than one person at a time - and you can do it when doing other things.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #language #conversation #society #psychology

Published on Apr 08, 2022

Epistemic Legibility

Being easy to argue with is a virtue, and separate from being correct.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #disagreement

Published on Mar 27, 2022

Clarity is Dangerous

The feeling of clarity(or "I get it") is dangerous. Once you get that feeling, you think you know enough - and that will end further learning. Its a thought killing heuristic.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #epistemology #heuristics

Published on Feb 17, 2022

3 People Groups we Imitate

If we surround yourself with people who has the same habits as the one you want to build, it will be easier for you to adopt that habit.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #society #psychology #habit

Published on Feb 10, 2022

Dunbar's Number

Human's can maintain social relations with upto 150 people. In such societies, everyone knows everyone else - and how each relates to others. These is a cognitive limit we have.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #psychology

Published on Feb 10, 2022

Four Laws of Behavior Change

You can invert these laws to break bad habits.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #psychology #behavior

Published on Feb 08, 2022

Build or Break Habits

Inverting the above method...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #psychology #behavior

Published on Feb 08, 2022

Break Bad Habits

Behaviors have a surface level craving and a deeper motivation. Habits are current solutions to evolutionary problems.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #psychology #behavior

Published on Feb 08, 2022


Habits are small actions repeated many times. It is the compound interest of our behavior. They can be good or bad.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #book

Published on Feb 07, 2022

Habit Loop

Habits are small actions repeated many times. It is the compound interest of our behavior. They can be good or bad.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #book

Published on Feb 07, 2022


Around end of 6th Century BC

Tagged With: #philosophy #philosophers #person #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 30, 2022


341 BC, Greece

Tagged With: #philosophy #philosophers #person #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 30, 2022


Socratic Method

Tagged With: #philosophy #philosophers #person #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 30, 2022


According to Plato, soul has 3 parts...

Tagged With: #philosophy #philosophers #person #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 30, 2022

Emotions in Sharing Content

Content than make you emotional are more likely to be spread/shared.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #sharing #internet #society

Published on Jan 27, 2022

Self Concept

Your self-concept is the collection of beliefs you hold about yourself. These smaller, specific beliefs are called the Self-schema. They are old sets of memories that would have generalized into beliefs about yourself. For eg, the Self-Schema/belief that 'I am introverted'.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #identity #psychology #self

Published on Jan 27, 2022

Post Truth

Objective facts are given less importance in favor of arguments that appeal to emotion and personal beliefs.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #communication

Published on Jan 18, 2022

Mental Health Benefits of Religion

Religions help mental health due to these factors...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #therapy #psychology #religion #mental-health

Published on Jan 18, 2022

Common Factors Research

Common Factors between different types of therapy. As long as these factors are present, the therapy technique can help the mental health of patients.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #therapy #psychology #framework

Published on Jan 18, 2022

Online Drift

Online Drift happens in online social media platforms - where you start of as a centrist - but gets slowly pushed to one extreme or the other. All online platforms will serve you content that you like. There is a progression for this - it will start of as mild - but it will become more and more extreme over time. This is to increase engagement.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #internet #society #social-media

Published on Jan 10, 2022

Deliberate Practice

Deliberate practice is a planned series of mindful activities designed to improve a specific skill and guided by well-informed feedback.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #pkm #skill #growth #practice #learning

Published on Jan 10, 2022

Belief System Scale

Belief Systems works at different scales...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #society

Published on Dec 30, 2021

How to read a scientific paper

Try to read the paper by answering these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #science #read

Published on Dec 28, 2021

End of History Illusion

If someone asks you how much have you changed over the last 10 years, you can describe your change fairly well. But if you are asked "How much will you change in the next 10 years", your prediction will be way lesser than the actual change. You tend to think you'll stay more or less the same.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #decision-making

Published on Dec 28, 2021

5 Moral Foundations

More details at Moral Foundations

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #morality #psychology #society

Published on Dec 21, 2021

Cognitive Distortions

Exaggerated irrational thinking that can lead to anxiety/depression - or continue the state of anxiety/depression. This causes people to have a wrong idea about reality - often a negative one. It reinforces negative thoughts and emotions. Part of the CBT model.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cbt #therapy #cognition #bias #psychology

Published on Dec 16, 2021


The ABC model in CBT helps you react to negative situations in a better way.

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Published on Dec 16, 2021


CBT is a Therapy model that focus on the reducing or managing symptoms of mental health conditions. CBT belongs to the Cognitive and Behavioral schools in Psychology.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #therapy #cbt #behavior #cognition #psychology

Published on Dec 16, 2021

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp)

Catch it, Check it, Change it

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #therapy #cbt #psychology

Published on Dec 13, 2021

Post scarcity economy

A theoretical economic situation where most goods and services can be produced easily and at a low cost. They will be available to all very cheaply or freely.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 03, 2021

Free and Open Source

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Published on Dec 03, 2021

Creative Commons

A moment to share creative work so that others can use and innovate freely. They wish to create a Commons for the creative field.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #foss #society #creativity

Published on Dec 03, 2021

Belief Systems

Belief systems refers to any belief or group of beliefs under one name. Eg. Christianity or Capitalism.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #mental-models

Published on Dec 02, 2021

Exploratory vs Conformatary Thought

If people make judgments without needing to explain themselves to others at some point, they are more likely to use gut feelings and jump to conclusion. If people think they have to explain, they will use more reason in coming to their judgment - and be more willing to change their minds about their initial position.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #thoughts #mindset

Published on Nov 25, 2021

Understanding Rules in a Creative Field

When starting in a new creative field, knowing the rules is very important. This is how you go about it...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rules #creativity

Published on Nov 22, 2021

I do, we do, you do - Skill Transfer modal

This model says that skill transfer can be done in three phases...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #teaching #skill #framework #mad

Published on Nov 15, 2021

Play vs Game

Play is exploration of a mechanic, while game is a competition using the mechanic.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #play #competition

Published on Nov 15, 2021


Commons refers to a shared resource that can be used by all. If everyone uses it appropriately, it can last. But few people tend to over-exploit it - making it run out. This is called the Tragedy of the Commons.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #economics #sharing #resources

Published on Nov 15, 2021


The science of understanding the mind and behaviors. This tries to understand why you do what you do.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognition #behavior

Published on Nov 14, 2021

Three Types of Note Taking Personalities

The word Digital Garden comes from this type.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #notes #zettelkasten #digital-garden

Published on Nov 12, 2021

Our wants are driven by others

Our wants are driven by others. We start wanting things when we see others have it. It can have a reverse effect as well - we might want the opposite thing to from our peers to stand out.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #reward #wants #psychology

Published on Nov 12, 2021

Surprise Method for Writing

When writing an Essay and deciding on where to go next, pick the most interesting by aiming for maximum surprise. Surprise usually means that...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #writing #surprise #idea-generation

Published on Nov 12, 2021

Externalizing Ideas

Expressing an idea - be it speech or written, helps in forming it. A good way to create content about something is just talking about it and recording yourself. This process of of externalization helps with the thinking.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #idea-generation #zettelkasten #thinking #notes

Published on Nov 12, 2021

Process to Get Novel Ideas

These are the behaviors/ attitudes to cultivate to facilitate creation of new/novel ideas...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #idea-generation #curiosity #productivity #creativity

Published on Nov 11, 2021

2 Lists Prioritization Strategy

Warren Buffett's method of prioritization.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #prioritization #framework

Published on Nov 02, 2021

The Ovarian Lottery

Ovarian lottery is a thought experiment created by Warren Buffet influenced by a book called "A theory of justice". The idea behind the experiment is that a truly just society can only be created if everyone agrees to it before knowing where they'll land in the society.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #thought-experiment #economics #justice

Published on Nov 02, 2021

Mission Statement

Mission statements define your organization's purpose and its main objectives. This comes after the Vision Statement.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #vision-mission #framework

Published on Oct 21, 2021

Vision Statement

Vision statements focus on the goals and aspirations of the organization.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #vision-mission #framework

Published on Oct 21, 2021

Personal Philosophy

Everyone has a personal philosophy. Try to make it an intentionally reasoned and chosen one - and not an amalgamation of all that has accumulated in your brain because of the environment that you were in.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #intentionality #emotion

Published on Oct 20, 2021

9 Aspects of Religions

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #religion #framework

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Bloom's Taxonomy(Revised)

Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical system that orders cognitive tasks that can be used to help teach and learn.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #cognition #pkm #knowledge #framework

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Motivated Belief

Motivated Belief is when a person believes something because they want it to be true, not necessarily because that belief is supported by facts or other evidence.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #psychology #meta-cognition #cognitive-bias

Published on Oct 06, 2021

Situation Predicts Behavior

Situational constraints typically predict behavior far better than personality, intelligence, or other individual-level traits.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #psychology

Published on Oct 06, 2021

Symptoms of Withdrawal

These are the symptoms of withdrawal from any addictive substance.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #therapy #addiction

Published on Sep 19, 2021

Supernormal Stimuli

Supernormal Stimuli is a Stimuli that is larger or more intense than naturally occuring Stimuli. Due to this they have a higher behavioural effect. Eg. porn. These are Stimuli that are outside of your brain's operating parameters.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #addiction #behavior

Published on Sep 15, 2021

Status Quo Bias

We tend to favor decisions that continue the status quo. This is because of the comfort of the familiar.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #psychedelics #rationality

Published on Sep 14, 2021

Get Better at Being Wrong

How to get better at being wrong...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #cognition #psychology #rationality

Published on Sep 14, 2021

Binary Framing

People rethink less when an issue is presented as black and white. But many activism movements tend to employ a binary framing. You are either an environmentalist or your a climate change denier. You are woke or you are a racist. Picking a side is an emotional task - not a good way to change your mind.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #persuasion #psychology

Published on Sep 13, 2021

PACT Goals

SMART Goals are good for small tasks. But for larger goals, they break down. PACT system is more useful for those. Eg. "Learn Coding"

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #problem-solving #goal

Published on Sep 12, 2021

Symmetric vs Asymmetric Competition

Symmetric Competition is multiple elements competing for the same resource.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #competition #strategy

Published on Sep 12, 2021

Cognitive Transformation Theory

Therefore, learning process should include unlearning.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #learning #mental-models

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Cognitive Flexibility Theory

Assumptions/Core arguments of CFT

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #learning #mental-models

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Accelerated Expertise Training

Accelerated Expertise is 'taking the concept of skill development to the limit'.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #sense-making

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Pedagogy Model for Creating Trainings

Note: This was given as an example of what not to do - so use with caution. A suggested better method was Accelerated Expertise Training

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #skill #teaching

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Purposeful Practice

Related to Deliberate Practice

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #deep-work #learning

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Intelligence is ability to accomplish complex goals

Intelligence = ability to accomplish complex goals

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #intelligence #problem-solving #meta-cognition

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Good Epistemic Habits

Instead of talking only about things that you are convinced about, talk also about things that you believe along with the path you took to arrive at your belief. You should convey your uncertainty in the belief if you have some.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #belief #epistemology #rationality

Published on Sep 02, 2021

Hot-Cold Empathy Gap

There is a significant difference in how we act in an emotionally changed state(hot state) when compared to your normal state(cold). When you are in cold state, you cannot predict how you will act when when in a cold state - you predict using your current state.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #emotion #decision-making

Published on Aug 30, 2021

Focus Difference in System 1 and System 2

When we encounter an easy problem we are relaxed/not focused. In this mode, the System 1 thinking is strengthened and system 2 weakened. When we are in this state, we will be more creative and intuitive. But we are more likely to make mistakes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #focus #thinking #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Substitution Heuristic

We substitute the actual question with an easier to answer question. Eg. "Will this man be a good secretary" becomes "Does this man fit my mental idea of a good secretary?"

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Availability Heuristic

You overestimate the probability of something that you hear more often/remember easily. Eg. We think accidents kill more people than strokes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Thinking Fast and Slow, Blinkist

Summary of the Thinking Fast and Slow book. Does not cover the things mentioned in the other note.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #psychology #cognitive-bias #learning #thinking

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Excited vs Happy

Choose What makes you excited vs what makes you happy. Seeking happiness might lead you to complacency or boredom.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #growth #productivity #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Define Dreams and Fears

When doing a long term plan, define your fears as well as your dreams.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #growth #fear #uncertainty #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Story Spine

A specific formula for structuring stories...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #story #story-telling #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Talent Stacking

Develop a variety of skills that make you unique. You can get to the top 20% with Deliberate Practice and limited time - with just 20% of the effort. Collect a list of such skills and you will have a very competitive advantage. Ideally, pick up skills that compound over time - it should get better the more you use it(eg. Writing).

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #systems #learning #growth

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Assume Criticism to be True

When receiving criticism, just accept it in the initial stage. Hear out the criticism assuming it is true. You can analyze it later.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #feedback #psychology #meta-cognition

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Stages of Learning

When learning a skill people go thru 5 cognitive progression stages. They learn to think differently in each stage...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #psychology #framework

Published on Aug 17, 2021

Cultivate a Purpose

Finding a purpose might be a wrong path to take to get a purpose. A better one would be to cultivate it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #motivation #meta-cognition #psychology #purpose

Published on Aug 11, 2021

Mind Accepts Coherent Stories

Mind greatly prefers any Coherent story over uncertainty. It will choose a explanation it deems likely over saying "I don't know".

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #bias #psychology

Published on Aug 11, 2021

Emotions take over the thinking process

When you have a strong emotion(eg. Shame), it can take over your rational thinking process. The thinking process will be co-opted to think up reasons to feel the emotions(eg. I'm feeling shame because I failed in my exams when I was a child) - its looking for some coherent explaination - not the truth.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion

Published on Aug 11, 2021

Ulysses Contract

Know the list of areas that you will generally be biased in(eg. I have a tendency to have a positive bias) - so that you can be more mindful in those areas - or even figure out ways to limit your choices in those areas.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognitive-bias #therapy

Published on Aug 06, 2021

Hindsight Bias

People tend to think that events could have been easily predictable AFTER the outcome is clear. The certainty that people attribute to their predictions are much higher that it actually is.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognitive-bias #meta-cognition

Published on Aug 06, 2021

Thinking in Bets

Beliefs are bets on the future.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #probability #meta-cognition #psychology #cognitive-bias

Published on Aug 06, 2021

Why saying I don't know is a key to success - Poker champion Annie Duke

We have to embrace uncertainty. We have been taught that "I don't know" as a bad state of mind. But in most case it is an accurate model of the world. The more accurate our maps are, the better our decision making.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes

Published on Aug 06, 2021

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency to...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #psychology #meta-cognition

Published on Aug 06, 2021

Self-Serving Bias

Self-Serving bias is a cognitive process to maintain a favorable perception of oneself. We tend to associate our good outcomes to our actions - but bad outcomes we attribute it to external factors. Eg. I got a 90% is maths because I studied hard - but I got a 20% in english because my teacher hates me.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #psychology

Published on Aug 06, 2021

Intuition in Philosophy

Intuition in philosophy is "an indirect way to grasp knowledge and morality". You intuitively know if an action is right or wrong - even though you can't work out why.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #epistemology #philosophy #intuition #cognition

Published on Aug 03, 2021


Epistemology means the theory of knowledge. Main questions in Epistemology are...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #epistemology #knowledge #philosophy

Published on Aug 03, 2021


When you can store a bunch of information in your working memory as one unit. Eg. 2,0,1,9 is four numbers - but 2019 is chunked into one recent year. You can hold more information if you can chunk it up. Education should give you lots of chunkable abstractions. Chunks can be handled better by System 1.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #memory

Published on Jul 28, 2021

Thinking Fast and Slow

We have 2 modes of thinking...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #psychology #thinking #decision-making

Published on Jul 28, 2021

Negative habits are to avoid a negative feeling

The unwanted habits or behaviors are triggered by a negative emotion that you want to get away from. The unwanted behavior is how you distract yourself from the negative emotion. People strive to avoid psychological discomfort.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #emotion #meta-cognition #cognitive-bias

Published on Jul 19, 2021

Illusion Of Explanatory Depth

People hold passionate views about topic that they don't really understand. They think they understand it - but its only apparent when they are asked to explain it in detail. That is where they will fail.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #zettelkasten #meta-cognition #psychology #understanding #learning

Published on Jul 17, 2021

Fast Thinking Exploits

People make different decisions if they pause and think about the decision vs when they react immediately. System 1 is way more vulnerable to exploits.

Tagged With: #meta-cognition #permanent-notes #behavior #psychology

Published on Jul 16, 2021

Fundamental Attribution Error

We attribute the reason of our own(or of our friends) failures to the environment, but the failures of others(or our enemies) to their character.

Tagged With: #meta-cognition #cognitive-bias #psychology #behavior #permanent-notes

Published on Jul 15, 2021

Parkinson's Law

Work expands to fill the time available.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #quote #behavior #productivity

Published on Jul 11, 2021

Stoic Virtues

Virtues in Stoicism...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #stoicism #philosophy #psychology

Published on Jul 11, 2021

Six Thinking Hats

This is a way to look at one decision from multiple different angles/perspectives.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #framework #process #perspectives

Published on Jul 10, 2021

Connection circles

Helps in studying a system - identify relations and feedback loops.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #systems-thinking #framework #process

Published on Jul 10, 2021

Second-order thinking

This is a tool that makes you think of the long term consequences of your decisions. Process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #rationality #framework #cognition

Published on Jul 10, 2021

Productive Thinking Model

Method to find creative solutions to well defined problems. Ask yourself these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #problem-solving #decision-making

Published on Jul 08, 2021

Conflict Resolution Diagram

This is a simple method to come to a shared goal when having a conflict. Process is...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #conflict-resolution #framework #communication

Published on Jul 03, 2021

Cynefin framework

This framework attempts to categorize situations into 4 areas so that we can decide which response to use for each area. You can understand which area the situation will fall into using these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #framework #decision-making #sense-making

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Socratic Questioning

Disciplined questioning that enables critical thinking...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #meta-cognition #problem-solving #decision-making #mental-models

Published on Jul 02, 2021

5 Whys

Ask yourself why recursively about a problem 5 times. This will lead you to root cause of the problem. It will take you down the cause and effect relationship till you reach a deep enough point.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #problem-solving #meta-cognition

Published on Jul 02, 2021

First Principles

This tool will let you break down a problem into is smallest units and build a solution focusing on those units. We generally understand by analogy - we connect the new information to something we already know. That's easier and quicker - but not as accurate as getting to the first principles. Some ways to do this...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #problem-solving #meta-cognition #framework

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Fishbone Diagram

Use this to find the root causes of issues. Also know as Ishikawa diagram or cause-and-effect diagram.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #problem-solving #mental-models #framework

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Learning in Public

Sharing the process of building/learning something in public is better that sharing the goal of building it. Advantages of sharing the process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #framework #meta-cognition

Published on Jun 25, 2021

Process to Learn a new skill

This is a modified version of the Organizational Knowledge Management process. This process is more geared for Personal Knowledge Management and skill building.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #plant-note #pkm #learning #meta-cognition #knowledge-management

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Types of Knowledge

There are three types of knowledge in Organizational Knowledge Management...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #pkm #knowledge-management

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Progressive Summarization

Progressive Summarization is a technique that relies on summarizing a note in multiple stages over time. You save only the best excerpts from whatever you’re reading, and then create a summary of those excerpts, and then a summary of that summary, distilling the essence of the content at each stage.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #understanding #learning

Published on Jun 23, 2021

GROWS Process

From AAARRR Pirate Funnel

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #marketing #framework

Published on Jun 23, 2021

AAARRR Pirate Funnel

AAARRR(or A3R3-funnel) is a framework to split a marketing plan to parts and understand where to focus.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #marketing #growth

Published on Jun 23, 2021

Seek-Sense-Share Framework

Part of the Personal Knowledge Mastery school of thought.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #sense-making #framework #pkm

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Personal Knowledge Mastery

Working smarter is increasing insights.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #sense-making #pkm #meta-cognition #learning

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Feedback Loops in Noisy Environments

Feedback loops can be...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #feedback #systems-thinking #process

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Sense Making

Sense-making is the process by which people give meaning to their collective experiences.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #sense-making #learning

Published on Jun 11, 2021

DIKW Pyramid

DIKW Pyramid is a model that is useful in Personal Knowledge Management.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #sense-making

Published on Jun 11, 2021

You Only Know What you Make

You will only internalize knowledge when you apply it in someway, to create something. The smallest version of this is creating the notes when you consume content in systems like Zettelkasten. Expect only to know what is there in the notes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge-management #pkm #content

Published on Jun 09, 2021

Content Blocks

When creating content, blocks or parts of it can be used in other projects too. Keep re-usability in mind when creating content.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #content #reusability

Published on Jun 09, 2021

Slow Burn Projects

If you have multiple open projects, they will all be on a 'slow burn'. After a while, you'll notice that there was progress in all of the projects even if you were not actively working on them. The opposite approach is the heavy lift - when you are focused on working on just one project.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #project-management #productivity

Published on Jun 09, 2021

Idea Capture Habit

Brain is for getting ideas - not keeping them. Have a fast access mechanism to immediately capture an idea whenever you have it. While in the shower or driving or whenever - if you have an idea, capture it outside your brain.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #idea-generation #pkm #knowledge-management

Published on Jun 09, 2021

Being mindful of defensive thinking

When we encounter ideas that are contrary to what we believe, we have a mental barrier that automatically defends against it. We can only think of reasons why the new idea is wrong. We need to be mindful of this barrier - and have to learn how to disable it. Very important in having a Scout Mindset

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #mindset

Published on Jun 01, 2021


Decision making process and Mental Model

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #decision-making #rationality #competition

Published on May 24, 2021


Illiberal means that the most important unit is not the individual - it's the group.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #democracy #society #politics

Published on May 17, 2021

Observational Mimicry

People learn behavior by observing and duplicating the behavior of others. This starts in childhood - and continues thru life. This can lead to conflict. If one person wants something, another person sees that desire and wants the same thing. Now there are two people in competition for the same thing. This can happen to large groups as well.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #needs #society

Published on May 17, 2021

Goodhart's Law

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #metric #behavior

Published on May 17, 2021


DAOStack is an Open Source stack to make it easier to create DAO organizations.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #blockchain #dao #technology #organization

Published on May 12, 2021

DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Its a system that lets a group of people to code their process for decision making into a blockchain(eg. Smart Contracts in Ethereum). This software will become the tool that tallies votes and execute actions based on the encoded process.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #blockchain #dao #technology #organization

Published on May 12, 2021

Amygdala Hijack

The Thalamus region of the brain gets sensory data. Parts of this is sent to Amygdala(emotional/irrational part of the brain) and parts to the neocortex(thinking/rational brain). If the Amygdala matches it with an earlier threat stimulus, then it activates a shortcut(HPA/hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis) - and effectively takes over the brain overriding the rational area.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #limbic-system #neurology #therapy

Published on May 12, 2021

India Stack

Set of APIs that acts as Digital Infrastructure.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #india #tech #infra

Published on May 11, 2021

One Level Higher

One Level Higher is a Mental Model that tries to go to a higher level of abstraction.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rationality #mental-models #systems-thinking

Published on May 08, 2021

Regret Minimization

Take the decision that will lead to the minimum regret over a long time frame.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rationality #mental-models #framework #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

Pareto Principle(80-20 Rule)

20% of the effort should create 80% of the output. To maximize ROI, invest in the 20%.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #rationality #mental-models #framework #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

ICE Model

When you have to prioritise, rate all options 1-10 for these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #prioritization #framework #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

Eisenhower Matrix

Make a 2x2 grid with 2 axis - Important and Urgent. This is how you treat the four quadrants...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #rationality #meta-cognition #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

Mental Models

Mental Model is a simplified mental representation of a complex real world system.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #meta-cognition #rationality #mental-models

Published on May 07, 2021

Environmental Psychology

Environmental psychology: interplay between people and their surroundings - how our environment affects our behavior, our performance, and our well-being. Its used in many fields such as interior design, architecture, retail, education and more.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognition

Published on May 07, 2021

Mindful Productivity

Mindful productivity: Being consciously present in what you’re doing, while you’re doing it. Be aware your mental and emotional states. Calmly acknowledge and accept your feelings and thoughts while engaged in the activity.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #framework #meta-cognition

Published on May 07, 2021

Custom Productivity System

Create a custom productivity system that works for you. Keep updating that as needed.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #framework

Published on May 07, 2021

Productivity Porn

Productivity Porn has the following signs...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity

Published on May 07, 2021

Confidence to Convince Others

People think that you need absolute certainty when communicating your opinions to others for others to accept them. This is what I call evangelical mode. Julia Galef argues that it needn't be the case. There are two types of confidences...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rationality #confidence #persuasion

Published on May 07, 2021

Scout Mindset vs Soldier Mindset

Soldier mindset thinks of their ideas as the land to defend - and attacks other external ideas or evidence that threaten their idea.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rationality #mindset #meta-cognition

Published on May 07, 2021

SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses are looking internally - while Opportunities and threats are outward facing.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #analysis #framework

Published on Apr 27, 2021


A framework used to make good goals. Make sure the goal is...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #goal #framework #target #productivity

Published on Apr 27, 2021

Psychological Safety at work

A working environment where you are not afraid to ask for help or admit failure. You are not worried that it will cause some formal or informal action to be taken against you.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #communication #behavior

Published on Apr 23, 2021

Emotional Tweet Virility

Using a moral or emotional word in a tweet increase the likelihood of it being retweeted 15-20%.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #social-media #cognition

Published on Apr 23, 2021

Imagined Community

In Anthropology, imagined community is the idea of a community within all its members minds. Eg. Nations. Some characteristics...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #psychology

Published on Apr 19, 2021


Anthropology is the study of humanity. It asks the same questions philosophers have asked - but only questions about humans(Why language? What is morality? etc). But rather than looking inward like philosophy, anthropology studies human cultures to get the the answers. Due to this, the answers Anthropology finds are not universal truths - its the truth of a set of people at a specific point in time.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #anthropology #society #cognition #philosophy

Published on Apr 19, 2021

Critical Thinking Framework - CAMPER

Use this framework when consuming content to practice critical thinking. Use this when you immediately agree/disagre with the content(that points to subjective thinking).

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #thinking #meta-cognition

Published on Apr 09, 2021

Brainstorming Frameworks

There are 2 frameworks we can use when brainstorming...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #brainstorm #framework #idea-generation

Published on Apr 09, 2021

Adaptation or Evolution in Systems

Complex Systems react to changes in the environment - this can be at different scales...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #systems #evolution

Published on Apr 08, 2021

System States

State are the variables in a Complex Systems - you can study a system by looking at how the states changes. If states change relative to time, its a linear change(if not, non-linear). Complex systems are generally non-linear.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #systems #states

Published on Apr 08, 2021

System Self Organization

Complex Systems can self organize thru emergence - create a complex global behavior without an external or central authority.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #systems #self-organization

Published on Apr 08, 2021

Complex Systems

The study of how many smaller systems(components) interacting with each other and their environment can create a bigger system without the need for an centralized authority or external interventions(System Self Organization). The super system that is built might not be predictable by knowing all the smaller systems. You'll have to see the parts, the connections - and also how these connections result in a new system. The creation of new behaviors and properties like this is called emergence.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #systems #emergence

Published on Apr 08, 2021

Music Theory - Chord Progression and Melody

You can think of the chord progression as the “background” and the melody as the “foreground” of a song. The chords create the general mood, and the melody is the specific, memorable sequence of notes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #music #chords #melody

Published on Apr 08, 2021

Surf the urge

Surfing the Urge is a practice to increase your Distress Tolerance(Ability to be in control when things go wrong). This is the process

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology #urge

Published on Apr 07, 2021

Willpower Challenge

Two parts of your mind have competing goals. Long term and short term. Willpower Challenge happens when the brain has to choose between these goals. Eg. Forgo the current pleasure of eating an ice cream vs the long term goal of losing weight.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology

Published on Apr 07, 2021

Defensive Pessimism

Pessimism when planning has a good effect on your plan to change.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology #pessimism #planning

Published on Apr 07, 2021

Self Compassion Message

When there is a Willpower Challenge failure, you can give yourself a self compassion message.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology #compassion #self-improvement

Published on Apr 07, 2021

Effect of Self Compassion on Willpower

If you are very self-critical of a Willpower Challenge failure, the more likely it is for you to fail again.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology #compassion #self-improvement

Published on Apr 07, 2021

Willpower Physiology

Physiological things that help increase wilpower...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology #physiology #self-improvement

Published on Apr 07, 2021

Willpower Rules

Rules to increase willpower...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #willpower #therapy #psychology

Published on Apr 07, 2021


Dopomine is a Neurotransmitter.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology

Published on Apr 05, 2021


ADHD : Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - this mental health issue can be found in both adults and children. Its helpful to think of ADHD as attention regulation disorder - rather than Attention Defiant.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #adhd #psychology

Published on Apr 05, 2021

Hyperfocus and ADHD

Hyperfocus: intense fixation on an activity for an long time. Hyperfocus can be a symptom of ADHD. A better way to look at it is that people with ADHD have a deregulated attention system.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #adhd #focus

Published on Apr 05, 2021

Psychology of Giving and Getting Gifts

When people give gifts, they want...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #gift #giving #psychology

Published on Mar 20, 2021

How to change a habit

Process to change an existing habit. We are using the example of "You drink a can of coke every day"

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #psychology #therapy #trigger #reward

Published on Mar 20, 2021

Couple's Dialog

Use this format to frame your conficts...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #couple #therapy #dialog

Published on Mar 20, 2021

Dopamine Fast

We indulgence in rewards. This makes is difficult to convince yourself to do things for a small or distant reward. When the reward system is starved, our motivation comes back - smaller rewards are enough.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #dopamine-fasting #meditation

Published on Mar 20, 2021

Managing Finance - 50-30-20 Rule

This is how you should split up your net income(in hand salary)...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #finance #income

Published on Mar 20, 2021

Overcoming Conflict Avoidance

Strategies for overcoming Conflict Avoidance...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #conflict #therapy

Published on Mar 20, 2021

Reduce Mind-Wandering

You can't completely shut off stray thoughts. But these will help reduce them...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mind #productivity #thoughts #focus

Published on Mar 05, 2021

Ubermen Metamorphosis

According to Fredrich Nietzsche, people go thru 3 stages before becoming Ubermen

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Published on Mar 05, 2021

Change emotion by changing your internal story

People can cultivate positive emotions by learning to change the stories they tell themselves about the events in their lives. This is what ABC of CBT does as well.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #therapy

Published on Mar 05, 2021


The ultimate ideal person according to Fredrich Nietzsche. They have...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #nietzsche

Published on Mar 05, 2021

Transactional Analysis

"Method of therapy that analyses transactions by understanding what state of mind they are in when communicating - and how those states of mind came to be."

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 06, 2021

Ta Time Structuring

In Transactional Analysis, spending time with other people falls in one of these criteria...

Tagged With: #time #transactional-analysis #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 06, 2021

TA: Drivers

In Transactional Analysis, Drivers are a major type of counter-injunctions - "Messages on how to be a good boy/girl". People generally have upto two primary driver. This is a condition you hold if you want to consider yourself worthy. Eg. I'm worthy if I'm strong.

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #permanent-notes #therapy

Published on Feb 06, 2021

Ta Injunctions

In Transactional Analysis, Injunctions are negative restrictive messages given from child ego state of the parent and received by Child ego state of the child. This plays a role in creating the Life Script.

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 06, 2021

TA: Life Script

In Transactional Analysis, Life Script is internal programming about how to live your life based on your childhood experiences. Its created in childhood, reinforced by parents. We continuously seek evidence to strengthen these beliefs - and tend to interpret events around to support our life script. Example of life script: "Everyone is out to get me".

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #therapy #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 06, 2021

TA: Life Positions

In Transactional Analysis, these are the possible life positions you can hold...

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #permanent-notes #therapy

Published on Feb 06, 2021

Ta Stroke Economy

In Transactional Analysis, there is some rules regarding Stroke - Rules for being miserable

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Published on Feb 06, 2021

TA: Stroke

In Transactional Analysis, a Stroke is a unit of recognition. types...

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #stroke #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 06, 2021

Ta Ego States

In Transactional Analysis, personality is sub-divided into sections called ego state. We are in one of these ego states all the time. Moment to moment we can switch based on internal or external triggers. These are the ego states...

Tagged With: #transactional-analysis #ego #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 06, 2021

Rules to improve your writing

The advice from "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White and "On Writing Well" by Zinsser. The primary philosophy is that if you can't write well, then you haven't thought it through. The act of writing is an act of reasoning.

Tagged With: #writing #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 04, 2021


Portraying staged events(like wrestling) as real - including the internal politics, rivalries and relationships.

Tagged With: #behavior #media #society #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 02, 2021

Motivational Interview

When trying to change someone's mind on something, try to find their own internal reason to change. This can be done by talking to them - asking open ended questions and listening to understand their reasons. You can do this by asking how they plan to implement their philosophy - this will show them the gaps in their understanding of the situation(Illusion Of Explanatory Depth).

Tagged With: #psychology #therapy #behavior #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 31, 2021

Shorting the market

You do this when you expect the value of a stock to go down. You borrow a stock from a broker and sell it immediately at the current price. When the stock price falls, you buy the stock back at the lower price and return the shares you borrowed to the brocker - keeping the difference.

Tagged With: #economics #stock-market #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 29, 2021

Cost of Mistrust

The decreased trust in others is both the reason to and result of decreased participation in communal activities. Without trust, we have to find costly ways to formalize our relationship(eg. creating a contract).

Tagged With: #society #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 27, 2021

Cognitive Dissonance

When someone holds beliefs, ideas, values that are contradictory to each other, it creates psychological stress. People will do all they can to change them till it becomes consistent so as to reduce the stress.

Tagged With: #psychology #behavior #permanent-notes #cognition

Published on Jan 22, 2021

Replication Crisis

The replication crisis is an ongoing methodological crisis in which it has been found that many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate or reproduce. The replication crisis most severely affects the social sciences and medicine.

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes #science

Published on Jan 20, 2021


Zettelkasten is a note taking process and a knowledge management system. It's really good for researchers, academics who want to create content - but also good for people trying to learn.

Tagged With: #zettelkasten #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 20, 2021

Paraphrasing to Remember

Paraphrasing something after we learn it is the best way to understand our gaps in knowledge. It is a way better tool to remember things compared to re-reading the content.

Tagged With: #learning #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 20, 2021

Feelings are noisy signals

Feelings are noisy signals about met & unmet needs.

Tagged With: #emotion #psychology #cognition #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 06, 2021

Allergy, Intolerance

Allergy, Intolerance & Sensitivity are distinct things, with different mechanisms

Tagged With: #health #permanent-notes #medicine

Published on Jan 06, 2021

Self-Determination Theory

The theory states that, besides our physical needs, evolution's also given us 3 main psychological needs.

Tagged With: #psychology #needs #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 06, 2021

Zeigarnik Effect

You will remember interrupted/incomplete activities better than completed activities. Open tasks tend to occupy our short-term memory - until they are done.

Tagged With: #psychology #memory #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Ego Depletion

Temporary reduction in the capacity or willingness to engage in action(controlling the environment, controlling self, making choices, initiating action) caused by prior exercise of choice.

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes #will-power

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Fixed Vs Growth Mindset

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Published on Jan 05, 2021

Mere-Exposure Effect

Psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. Doing something many times makes us believe that we are good at it - independent of our actual skill. Used in advertising - seeing the advertisement of a brand multiple times will make us like it more.

Tagged With: #psychology #cognition #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Permanent Notes in Zettelkasten

Some rules for permanent notes...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #zettelkasten #pkm

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Imposter Syndrome

This is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". Individuals with impostor syndrome incorrectly attribute their success to luck, or interpret it as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent than they perceive themselves to be.

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Dunning–Kruger Effect

Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low competence in a field overestimate their competence.

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes #cognition #cognitive-bias

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Impact of Metaphor Thinking

Issues that come with Metaphorical Thinking idea in Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Tagged With: #cognition #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020

Embodied cognition

The mind is not only connected to the body but that the body influences the mind (in a way that the two always have to be considered together).

Tagged With: #cognition #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020

Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Conceptual Metaphor Theory: Abstract concepts are metaphorically understood. Eg. "Affection"(Abstract concept) is understood in terms of "warmth"(metaphor).

Tagged With: #cognition #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020

Code is Harder To Read than it is to Write

There’s a reason that programmers always want to throw away old code and start over: they think the old code is a mess. They are probably wrong. The reason that they think the old code is a mess is because of a cardinal, fundamental law of programming: It’s harder to read code than to write it.

Tagged With: #computer #code #permanent-notes #programming

Published on Dec 24, 2020

Identity Created from Suffering

Defining yourself by your suffering is an effective way to keep suffering forever (ex. incels, trauma).

Tagged With: #identity #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 24, 2020

Keep Identity Small

Keep your identity small. "I’m not the kind of person who does things like that" is not an explanation, it’s a trap.

Tagged With: #identity #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 24, 2020

Insights with Psychedelic or mystical Experiences

In Psychedelic trips, insights are more stronger - they seem like the revealed truth. This is true in mystical experiences as well - what you learn in such experiences has a higher authority in your mind.

Tagged With: #psychedelics #insights #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 20, 2020

Default Mode Network On Drugs

If we can say that the ego has a location in the brain, it would be the default mode network. Its very active when you are doing nothing - its where self talk takes place. Default Mode Network regulates a lot of other parts of the brain - when drugs dials it down the rest of the brain is "let off the leash". Networks in the brain that don't generally communicate directly starts communicating directly. This can have an effect of jolting the brain out of bad habits.

Tagged With: #psychedelics #neurology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 20, 2020

Belief Threshold

People tend to accept ideas that a threshold percentage of their friends also subscribe to. This can be manipulated by creating a Majority Illusion

Tagged With: #society #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Majority Illusion

Social networks can create the illusion that something is common when it is actually rare. Its the local impression that a specific attribute is common when the global truth is entirely different. Eg. In a group of 5 people, 1 person is a drinker and others are drinkers. Everyone in the group is friend with one person and the drinker. So 4 people will see that 50% of their friends are drinkers - even though, in reality only 20% of the 5 is a drinker.

Tagged With: #society #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Connections in People Groups

Too much bonding social capital and it will create group think that will not take in ideas from outside. Too little and ideas will not be shared between members.

Tagged With: #society #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Surgery, The Ultimate Placebo

Book "Surgery, The Ultimate Placebo": evaluation of commonly performed surgical operations that have been tested and shown to be no more effective (and arguably worse) than placebo, or that have never even been tested. It covers the history of sham surgery studies, talks about placebo effects, and explains why so many surgeons ignore the evidence and continue to do ineffective operations. Source

Tagged With: #placebo #surgery #permanent-notes #medicine

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Satisfiers of Human Needs

Satisfiers of Human Needs

Tagged With: #needs #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Human Needs

Human needs are finite and classifiable. There are 9 fundamental human needs that are constant across time periods and cultures.

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes #needs

Published on Dec 19, 2020

What Boredom Says

Getting bored is our mind's way of saying it finds the current activity as low value.

Tagged With: #boredom #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 18, 2020

Memory Filters

Before we store an event in our memory, it goes thru many filters. So the final memory is very different from the actual event. The filters are...

Tagged With: #therapy #nlp #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 18, 2020

Building Rapport

Methods to build rapport

Tagged With: #rapport #nlp #therapy #empathy #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 18, 2020

Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood

Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood (TIV): "an ongoing feeling that the self is a victim". It involves 4 dimensions...

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 18, 2020

Map vs Territory

Map is a simplified representation of the reality(territory) in someone's mind. People generally confuse map for territory - but Map is not the territory.

Tagged With: #rationality #map #nlp #permanent-notes #meta-cognition

Published on Dec 18, 2020


Re-framing is considering an negative issue from many different aspects to find a positive

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #nlp #psychology #therapy

Published on Dec 18, 2020

What is a Goal

A goal is a recognizable, desired state in the future, that causes you to act differently in the present in order to realize it. It is...

Tagged With: #goal #focus #productivity #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 17, 2020


Apophenia is the tendency to perceive a connection or meaningful pattern between unrelated or random things (such as objects or ideas)

Tagged With: #behavior #psychology #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias

Published on Dec 15, 2020

Semantic Versioning

With semantic versioning, every version number is of the form: major.minor.patch. Rules...

Tagged With: #programming #version-control #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 15, 2020

Tech Centers

The tech industry has had a new center roughly every fifteen years. A model of computing sets the agenda, and the company or companies that win that model dominate the industry, and everyone is scared of them, and then a new model comes along, forms a new center, and the old model stops mattering. Mainframes were followed by PCs, and then the web, and then smartphones.

Tagged With: #technology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 15, 2020

Parasocial Interation

Parasocial interaction: A kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience with performers in media(talk show host, celebrities, fictional characters, social media influencers). Viewers or listeners come to consider media personalities as friends, despite having limited interactions with them. PSI is described as an illusionary experience, such that media audiences interact with personas as if they are engaged in a reciprocal relationship with them. A parasocial interaction, an exposure that garners interest in a persona, becomes a parasocial relationship after repeated exposure to the media persona causes the media user to develop illusions of intimacy, friendship, and identification. Positive information learned about the media persona results in increased attraction, and the relationship progresses. Parasocial relationships are enhanced due to trust and self-disclosure provided by the media persona.

Tagged With: #psychology #behavior #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 15, 2020

Dopamine's Function: Creating the Want

Dopamine didn't affect liking something - but it was created the 'wanting'. Dopamine increases temptation. Wanting is more fundamental than liking. Ultimately, it doesn't matter for the preservation of our genes whether we like sex, or like food. Far more important is whether we want to have sex, and whether we seek out food.

Tagged With: #dopamine #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 15, 2020

Unsolvable Problem can be Overcome

There are a lot of important problems that are fundamentally insolvable. They can never be solved - but can be outgrown. You can accept the problem - which will reduce the suffering caused by the problem.

Tagged With: #problem-solving #permanent-notes #philosophy

Published on Dec 08, 2020

Existential Psycological Disorders

According to Existential Psychotherapy, some psychological disorders are the result of individual's inability to reconcile themselves with certain characteristics of the human condition.

Tagged With: #existentialism #psychology #permanent-notes #mental-disorder

Published on Dec 08, 2020

2 Minute New Habit

To establish a new habit, make sure that it requires no more than 2 minutes in the beginning. Work yourself up from there.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #behavior #productivity

Published on Dec 08, 2020

Acknowledge the root of distraction

Acknowledge your need to avoid pain and to seek pleasure. Every time you want to focus on a task, acknowledge your immediate response. Are you trying to avoid pain? Or you’re looking for pleasure? When you become the observer, you’ll be able to be in charge.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #observe

Published on Dec 07, 2020

Faith Programming in Brain

Our brains have a programming, a 'mode of knowing' that lets us believe 'stories' about things we can't fully understand/explain. This programming can be called faith. This can reduce stress. Proof: All human societies have had a religion.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #faith #psychology

Published on Dec 07, 2020

Eiqenqestion in Framing Problems

Framing is the process of breaking down a problem into a set of choices, trade offs, and options that enable a team to make a call. Try to find one question which, if answered, it likely answers the subsequent questions as well. This is the eigenquestion.

Tagged With: #decision-making #permanent-notes #problem-solving

Published on Dec 04, 2020

Thinking in Zettelkasten

The main work of understanding happens when we think and make connections. The Zettelkasten work flow makes thinking a concrete step - when you convert your fleeting notes to permanent notes. This also makes us think how this information is connected to our previous ideas - this makes connections between ideas. And also, will let us remember better.

Tagged With: #zettelkasten #permanent-notes #learning

Published on Dec 04, 2020


Tagged With: #philosophy #philosophers #person #permanent-notes

Published on Nov 12, 2020

Two Types of Empathy

Person can imaginatively take the role of another and can understand and accurately predict that person's thoughts, feelings and actions.

Tagged With: #empathy #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Nov 02, 2020

Pseudo Sets - Behavior Push

Create and communicate clear ‘pseudo-sets’ to persuade people to complete a certain number of tasks (you've read 1 out of 4), encourage a specific number of donations (donate 6 packs, 1 for each family member), or buy a group of products (collect all 5 candles). People will stop at the reference point you set, but they are much more likely to reach it rather than abandoning earlier.

Tagged With: #behavior #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Oct 23, 2020

Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning is a Cognitive bias - we tend to accept/believe more easily and with less scrutiny things we think are correct. If we encounter an idea that we think is wrong, we subject it to more scrutiny - it has a higher bar to clear for us to accept it.

Tagged With: #rationality #reasoning #permanent-notes #psychology #cognitive-bias

Published on Jul 21, 2020