Eight Scale Model From Culture Map

Communication : High Context vs Low Context

  • High context comms has more subtle communication which is implied. Eg. Japan, India
  • Low Context comms is very explicit. Eg. US, Germany

Evaluation: Direct vs Indirect Feedback

  • Direct negative feedback can be given individually or in front of a team. Eg. Netherland, Germany
  • Indirect: Negative feedback is given very subtly. Criticism is given wrapped in other praise and always individually. Eg. Thailand

Persuading: Principles vs Application

  • Principles first: You start with theory and rational of the argument. Eg. France
  • Application first: You start with how the new idea can be useful and practical then go the theory behind it. Eg. US

Leading Scale: Egalitarian vs Heretical

  • In Egalitarian, the boss is just "one of the team" - and plays a co-ordination role. In these cultures, you call the boss by their names. You are comfortable challenging their opinions, etc.
  • In Hierarchical structure, there is a major difference between the levels of authority

Deciding Scale: Consensual vs Top-down

  • Consensual cultures make decisions collectively.
  • In Top-down cultures, one person(usually the leader) makes the decision for everyone.

Trusting Scale: Task vs Relationship

  • Task based cultures do not have close relationship between coworkers. You work with them closely, but you do not have a personal relationship.
  • In Relationship based cultures, the team functions better if there is a close relationship between the team members.

Disagreement Scale: Confronting vs Avoiding

  • Confronting cultures values a good debate and sees values for it in a team
  • Avoiding cultures put people relationship at the forefront.

Scheduling Scale: Linear vs Flexible

  • Linear time has strict adherence to schedule. Eg. Meeting starts exactly at the time said.
  • Flexible time is more adaptable to various environmental issues.