39 notes tagged with "society"

Overton Window

The range of acceptable ideas in a society at a given time.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #politics #society

Published on Sep 24, 2024

Social Construction Of Reality

The process by which people continuously create, through their actions and interactions, a shared reality that is experienced as objectively factual and subjectively meaningful.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #society #culture

Published on Sep 01, 2024

Myth In Semiotics

If a sign is used to mean a specific thing for a long time and by enough people, that meaning solidifies into a Myth. Eg. The sign 'red' has a meaning: danger. That is a myth.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #language #society #belief

Published on Aug 26, 2024


Semiotics is the study of signs - or how words and images(signs) come to have meaning.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #language #society #belief

Published on Aug 26, 2024

Shared Intentions In Humans

We see others as 'Intentional agents' - and that is a major advantage our specie has: it enables us to corporate better with others.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #evolution #society #anthropology #cooperation

Published on Aug 24, 2024

High Mordernism

High Mordernism is the belief that science and technology will improve humanity - and as a result, try to get nature to bend to the will of central planning.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #design

Published on May 19, 2024

Technology Adoption Curve

People who adopt new technology fit in one of these 5 categories...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #marketing #society

Published on Jan 25, 2024

Social Identity Theory

Social identity is the part of a person's self-concept that is made from their membership in a social group.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #identity #society #behavior

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Social Media Outrage Is Driven By Base Rate Fallacy

All people have some bad movements. Social media outrage is generally driven by a collective memory of just those bad movements.

Tagged With: #social-media #society #emotion

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Shirky Principle

Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #psychology #behavior

Published on Jan 01, 2023

In Group Bias

Favoring people of your in-group over people outside.

Tagged With: #cognitive-bias #psychology #meta-cognition #society #behavior

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Factors Of Production

This model was introduced by Adam Smith - Grandfather of Economics

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #economics #society

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Economy Control Mechanisms

Type of Economy depends on...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #economics #society

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Network State

A country that exists in a networked manner - places might be distributed all over the globe - but connected by internet and a shared national identity.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #politics

Published on Dec 02, 2022

Epistemic Trespassing

When someone judges/gives opinion on matters outside their area of expertise. Eg. A football star talking about a political situation.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #epistemology #society

Published on Oct 15, 2022

Bonding amoung Men

Men bond with other men by a couple of methods...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #gender #behavior #psychology #relationship

Published on Jul 12, 2022

Social Media Distorts Sense making

We are programmed to observe the world and generalize our experiences into mental modals that can be used to understand and predict the world.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #social-media #behavior

Published on Apr 09, 2022

Conversational Group Limit

Dunbar, who created the Dunbar's Number, says that language is a 'cheap' form of social grooming(akin to flea picking in apes). Its more efficient - you can talk to more than one person at a time - and you can do it when doing other things.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #language #conversation #society #psychology

Published on Apr 08, 2022

3 People Groups we Imitate

If we surround yourself with people who has the same habits as the one you want to build, it will be easier for you to adopt that habit.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #society #psychology #habit

Published on Feb 10, 2022

Dunbar's Number

Human's can maintain social relations with upto 150 people. In such societies, everyone knows everyone else - and how each relates to others. These is a cognitive limit we have.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #psychology

Published on Feb 10, 2022

Emotions in Sharing Content

Content than make you emotional are more likely to be spread/shared.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #sharing #internet #society

Published on Jan 27, 2022

Post Truth

Objective facts are given less importance in favor of arguments that appeal to emotion and personal beliefs.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #communication

Published on Jan 18, 2022

Online Drift

Online Drift happens in online social media platforms - where you start of as a centrist - but gets slowly pushed to one extreme or the other. All online platforms will serve you content that you like. There is a progression for this - it will start of as mild - but it will become more and more extreme over time. This is to increase engagement.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #internet #society #social-media

Published on Jan 10, 2022

Belief System Scale

Belief Systems works at different scales...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #society

Published on Dec 30, 2021

5 Moral Foundations

More details at Moral Foundations

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #morality #psychology #society

Published on Dec 21, 2021

Creative Commons

A moment to share creative work so that others can use and innovate freely. They wish to create a Commons for the creative field.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #foss #society #creativity

Published on Dec 03, 2021


Illiberal means that the most important unit is not the individual - it's the group.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #democracy #society #politics

Published on May 17, 2021

Observational Mimicry

People learn behavior by observing and duplicating the behavior of others. This starts in childhood - and continues thru life. This can lead to conflict. If one person wants something, another person sees that desire and wants the same thing. Now there are two people in competition for the same thing. This can happen to large groups as well.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #needs #society

Published on May 17, 2021

Imagined Community

In Anthropology, imagined community is the idea of a community within all its members minds. Eg. Nations. Some characteristics...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #psychology

Published on Apr 19, 2021


Anthropology is the study of humanity. It asks the same questions philosophers have asked - but only questions about humans(Why language? What is morality? etc). But rather than looking inward like philosophy, anthropology studies human cultures to get the the answers. Due to this, the answers Anthropology finds are not universal truths - its the truth of a set of people at a specific point in time.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #anthropology #society #cognition #philosophy

Published on Apr 19, 2021


Portraying staged events(like wrestling) as real - including the internal politics, rivalries and relationships.

Tagged With: #behavior #media #society #permanent-notes

Published on Feb 02, 2021

Cost of Mistrust

The decreased trust in others is both the reason to and result of decreased participation in communal activities. Without trust, we have to find costly ways to formalize our relationship(eg. creating a contract).

Tagged With: #society #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 27, 2021

Interactive Group Effect

When individuals in a group interact, they can sometimes reach results that would not have reached them if each had acted alone. Whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Tagged With: #psychology #society

Published on Jan 22, 2021

Social aspect of belief

There is a social aspect to belief, such that we may discount even the evidence of our own senses if we think that our beliefs are not in harmony with those around us. Peer pressure works. Just as we seek to have harmony within our own beliefs(Cognitive Dissonance), we also seek harmony with the beliefs of those around us.

Tagged With: #behavior #psychology #society

Published on Jan 22, 2021

Belief Threshold

People tend to accept ideas that a threshold percentage of their friends also subscribe to. This can be manipulated by creating a Majority Illusion

Tagged With: #society #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Majority Illusion

Social networks can create the illusion that something is common when it is actually rare. Its the local impression that a specific attribute is common when the global truth is entirely different. Eg. In a group of 5 people, 1 person is a drinker and others are drinkers. Everyone in the group is friend with one person and the drinker. So 4 people will see that 50% of their friends are drinkers - even though, in reality only 20% of the 5 is a drinker.

Tagged With: #society #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020

Connections in People Groups

Too much bonding social capital and it will create group think that will not take in ideas from outside. Too little and ideas will not be shared between members.

Tagged With: #society #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 19, 2020