18 notes tagged with "communication"

Authentic Listening - Reality

Listen to understand the reality of the speaker - treat it as the only reality. If done right, you should be able to recreate that reality in your own mind. If you can do this the other person will think that you "get" them.

Tagged With: #authentic #listening #reality #understanding #communication #permanent-notes

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Casual Communication Styles

Different communication styles people employ in casual settings...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #communication #therapy

Published on Apr 05, 2024

Needs List

These are the needs listed in Non-Violent Communication

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #emotion #needs #communication

Published on Jan 17, 2024

Levels of Listening

In this the 1-4 are called the Otto Scharmer's 4 Levels of Listening.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #listening #communication #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

Conway's Law

Structure of the software will mirror the structure of the organization that built it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #software #organization #communication

Published on Nov 22, 2023

Luck Surface Area

Your serendipity(aka. luck surface area) is directly proportional to the amount of work you do and the total number of people you have effectively communicated it to.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #communication #network

Published on Apr 19, 2023

Atomic visuals to communicate your ideas

Atomic Visuals: simple, quick images

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #visual-intelligence #communication #illustration

Published on May 22, 2022

Post Truth

Objective facts are given less importance in favor of arguments that appeal to emotion and personal beliefs.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #society #communication

Published on Jan 18, 2022

LEAP Ethical Selling Framework

Ethical selling framework for purpose driven entrepreneurs

Tagged With: #literature-notes #framework #sales #communication

Published on Oct 21, 2021

Conflict Resolution Diagram

This is a simple method to come to a shared goal when having a conflict. Process is...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #conflict-resolution #framework #communication

Published on Jul 03, 2021

Psychological Safety at work

A working environment where you are not afraid to ask for help or admit failure. You are not worried that it will cause some formal or informal action to be taken against you.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #communication #behavior

Published on Apr 23, 2021

Non-Violent Communication

Context: Abishek's session at LC day 2.

Tagged With: #communication #lc #literature-notes #mad #nvc

Published on Dec 20, 2020

6 Principles of Persuasion

This model comes from the book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini.

Tagged With: #communication #literature-notes #persuasion #psychology

Published on Dec 07, 2020

Authentic Listening

Context : Abishek, July 28th. Transformational Leadership.

Tagged With: #communication #conversation #literature-notes #transformational-leadership #mad

Published on Nov 28, 2020