83 notes tagged with "framework"

Creative Mindsets

These are the different mindsets you need to be creative. You'll have to swap out these mindsets at different times in the project. Make sure only one mindset is working on the project at the time. Don't let it overlap or the project will have conflict.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #creativity #framework #innovation #problem-solving

Published on Aug 11, 2024

Ifs Internal Family Systems

IFS is a therapy framework that looks at a different aspects of a person as 'Parts'. Its useful to see each part as a person - it will help you connect with the part.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #therapy #framework

Published on Jul 08, 2024

Diverge-Converge Model

Use this to create many options - and then pick one option.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #meetings #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024


Framework that can be used to crowdsource decisions/ Diverge-Converge Model when facilitating a meeting

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meetings #framework #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

GRASS Model for Facilitation

GRASS Model is useful checklist to make sure that you'll be able to plan and run a meeting efficiently...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meetings #framework #reaktor

Published on Jan 12, 2024

Behaviour Influencers in Organizations

In corporations, there three ways to influence behaviour...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #behavior #framework

Published on Dec 28, 2023


Scrum is a management framework that teams use to self-organize and work towards a common goal.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #project-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

Deming Cycle

This is a framework for continuous improvement and learning. It has for steps that can repeat...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #learning #change-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

ADKAR Framework

This is a change management framework that stands for...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #change-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

Johari Window

This is a tool to surface elements of people that might not be known to themselves - but known to others. Its generally used to share feedback.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #feedback #framework

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Crazy 8 Ideation

This is a process to quickly create design ideas. For best results, with a team so that even more ideas are generated. Process...

Tagged With: #creativity #idea-generation #framework

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Analytics Maturity

The lower you go, the more mature the analytics will be.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #analysis #framework #metric

Published on Jan 01, 2023


GTD/Getting Things Done is a time management system that works on the principle of getting information from your mind to an outside system. It follows this workflow...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #framework

Published on Oct 18, 2022

CODE Framework

This is part of the PARA method of Personal Knowledge Management.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #pkm #organization

Published on Oct 16, 2022

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a time management method that divides a day into multiple time blocks. Each block is for a specific task, with the intention to stay focused on that task exclusively. To use this well, create your task list in advance - ideally at the start of the day.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #time-management #framework

Published on Oct 03, 2022

Dichotomy of Control

This is a concept in Stoicism. In its simplest form...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #stoicism #framework

Published on Oct 02, 2022

Locus of Control

This refers to how we believe where the power in our life lies.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #framework #belief

Published on Oct 02, 2022


Stoicism is a Greek philosophy that aims to teach how to be content no matter what the external circumstances are.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #stoicism #philosophy #framework

Published on Sep 28, 2022

Writing Process

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #writing #process #framework

Published on Sep 09, 2022

The writing process

If someone had needed to give you this information 6 months ago, how should they have done it?

Tagged With: #literature-notes #writing #process #framework

Published on Sep 09, 2022

Gamification - Octalysis Framework

These are the different methods used to motivate people to play games. But it can be used in other fields too. These can be used to drive behaviour.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #gamification #framework #behavior

Published on Jul 21, 2022

Encode Framework

Framework to use when creating notes in the Zettelkasten format.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #zettelkasten #pkm #notes #learning

Published on May 20, 2022

Common Factors Research

Common Factors between different types of therapy. As long as these factors are present, the therapy technique can help the mental health of patients.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #therapy #psychology #framework

Published on Jan 18, 2022

How to read a scientific paper

Try to read the paper by answering these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #science #read

Published on Dec 28, 2021

How I Manage My Money - 12 Money Rules to Build Wealth

Content from the book 'Psychology of Money'.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #money #finance #framework #book

Published on Dec 28, 2021


The ABC model in CBT helps you react to negative situations in a better way.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cbt #framework #therapy #psychology

Published on Dec 16, 2021

I do, we do, you do - Skill Transfer modal

This model says that skill transfer can be done in three phases...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #teaching #skill #framework #mad

Published on Nov 15, 2021

Process to Get Novel Ideas

These are the behaviors/ attitudes to cultivate to facilitate creation of new/novel ideas...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #idea-generation #curiosity #productivity #creativity

Published on Nov 11, 2021

2 Lists Prioritization Strategy

Warren Buffett's method of prioritization.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #prioritization #framework

Published on Nov 02, 2021

Mission Statement

Mission statements define your organization's purpose and its main objectives. This comes after the Vision Statement.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #vision-mission #framework

Published on Oct 21, 2021

Vision Statement

Vision statements focus on the goals and aspirations of the organization.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #vision-mission #framework

Published on Oct 21, 2021

How to Create a Mission Statement and Vision Statement

Purpose of Vision and Mission

Tagged With: #literature-notes #vision-mission #framework #process

Published on Oct 21, 2021

How to Write Mission and Vision Statements

The mission statement defines an organization's purpose or reason for being. It guides the day-to-day operations of the organization. Use the following questions...

Tagged With: #literature-notes #vision-mission #framework #business

Published on Oct 21, 2021

Mission Statements and Vision Statements

Mission statements define your organization's purpose and its main objectives.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #vision-mission #framework

Published on Oct 21, 2021

LEAP Ethical Selling Framework

Ethical selling framework for purpose driven entrepreneurs

Tagged With: #literature-notes #framework #sales #communication

Published on Oct 21, 2021

9 Aspects of Religions

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #religion #framework

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Bloom's Taxonomy(Revised)

Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical system that orders cognitive tasks that can be used to help teach and learn.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #cognition #pkm #knowledge #framework

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Excited vs Happy

Choose What makes you excited vs what makes you happy. Seeking happiness might lead you to complacency or boredom.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #growth #productivity #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Define Dreams and Fears

When doing a long term plan, define your fears as well as your dreams.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #growth #fear #uncertainty #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Story Spine

A specific formula for structuring stories...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #story #story-telling #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

How to Teach - for computer programmers

A lesson is a user interface to knowledge. All concepts in UX can be used to create better lessons.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #teaching #framework #tech #meta-cognition

Published on Aug 17, 2021

Stages of Learning

When learning a skill people go thru 5 cognitive progression stages. They learn to think differently in each stage...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #psychology #framework

Published on Aug 17, 2021

Learning Skills

There are two types of learning for skills..

Tagged With: #literature-notes #learning #framework

Published on Jul 27, 2021

Six Thinking Hats

This is a way to look at one decision from multiple different angles/perspectives.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #framework #process #perspectives

Published on Jul 10, 2021

Connection circles

Helps in studying a system - identify relations and feedback loops.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #systems-thinking #framework #process

Published on Jul 10, 2021

Second-order thinking

This is a tool that makes you think of the long term consequences of your decisions. Process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #rationality #framework #cognition

Published on Jul 10, 2021

Productive Thinking Model

Method to find creative solutions to well defined problems. Ask yourself these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #problem-solving #decision-making

Published on Jul 08, 2021

Conflict Resolution Diagram

This is a simple method to come to a shared goal when having a conflict. Process is...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #conflict-resolution #framework #communication

Published on Jul 03, 2021

Cynefin framework

This framework attempts to categorize situations into 4 areas so that we can decide which response to use for each area. You can understand which area the situation will fall into using these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #framework #decision-making #sense-making

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Socratic Questioning

Disciplined questioning that enables critical thinking...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #meta-cognition #problem-solving #decision-making #mental-models

Published on Jul 02, 2021

5 Whys

Ask yourself why recursively about a problem 5 times. This will lead you to root cause of the problem. It will take you down the cause and effect relationship till you reach a deep enough point.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #problem-solving #meta-cognition

Published on Jul 02, 2021

First Principles

This tool will let you break down a problem into is smallest units and build a solution focusing on those units. We generally understand by analogy - we connect the new information to something we already know. That's easier and quicker - but not as accurate as getting to the first principles. Some ways to do this...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #problem-solving #meta-cognition #framework

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Fishbone Diagram

Use this to find the root causes of issues. Also know as Ishikawa diagram or cause-and-effect diagram.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #problem-solving #mental-models #framework

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Learning in Public

Sharing the process of building/learning something in public is better that sharing the goal of building it. Advantages of sharing the process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #framework #meta-cognition

Published on Jun 25, 2021


PARA is a Personal Knowledge Management framework

Tagged With: #pkm #literature-notes #framework #project-management

Published on Jun 25, 2021

Organizational Knowledge Management

Organizational knowledge is all the knowledge contained within an organization that can provide business value.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #knowledge-management #framework #organization #learning

Published on Jun 24, 2021

GROWS Process

From AAARRR Pirate Funnel

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #marketing #framework

Published on Jun 23, 2021

AAARRR Pirate Funnel

AAARRR(or A3R3-funnel) is a framework to split a marketing plan to parts and understand where to focus.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #marketing #growth

Published on Jun 23, 2021

Seek-Sense-Share Framework

Part of the Personal Knowledge Mastery school of thought.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #sense-making #framework #pkm

Published on Jun 13, 2021

UK Government Design Principles

Have Empathy for users - but remember that what they ask for isn't always what they need.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #design-principles #framework #government

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Goodhart's Law

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #metric #behavior

Published on May 17, 2021

Regret Minimization

Take the decision that will lead to the minimum regret over a long time frame.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #rationality #mental-models #framework #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

Pareto Principle(80-20 Rule)

20% of the effort should create 80% of the output. To maximize ROI, invest in the 20%.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #rationality #mental-models #framework #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

ICE Model

When you have to prioritise, rate all options 1-10 for these questions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #prioritization #framework #decision-making

Published on May 08, 2021

Mental Models

Mental Model is a simplified mental representation of a complex real world system.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #meta-cognition #rationality #mental-models

Published on May 07, 2021

Mindful Productivity

Mindful productivity: Being consciously present in what you’re doing, while you’re doing it. Be aware your mental and emotional states. Calmly acknowledge and accept your feelings and thoughts while engaged in the activity.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #framework #meta-cognition

Published on May 07, 2021

Custom Productivity System

Create a custom productivity system that works for you. Keep updating that as needed.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #framework

Published on May 07, 2021

SWOT Analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses are looking internally - while Opportunities and threats are outward facing.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #analysis #framework

Published on Apr 27, 2021

How to build Technology Strategy

How the role of CIO(Chief Information Officer) evolved over the years...

Tagged With: #literature-notes #strategy #tech #framework

Published on Apr 27, 2021


A framework used to make good goals. Make sure the goal is...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #goal #framework #target #productivity

Published on Apr 27, 2021

Building a Second Brain

Building A Second Brain is a methodology for saving and systematically reminding us of the ideas, inspirations, insights, and connections we've gained through our experience.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #meta-cognition #framework #zettelkasten

Published on Apr 09, 2021

Critical Thinking Framework - CAMPER

Use this framework when consuming content to practice critical thinking. Use this when you immediately agree/disagre with the content(that points to subjective thinking).

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #thinking #meta-cognition

Published on Apr 09, 2021

Brainstorming Frameworks

There are 2 frameworks we can use when brainstorming...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #brainstorm #framework #idea-generation

Published on Apr 09, 2021

Documentation Framework

There are 4 types of documentation

Tagged With: #documentation #framework #technology #teaching #literature-notes

Published on Feb 02, 2021

Documentation Framework 4 Types

There are 4 types of documentation

Tagged With: #documentation #permanent-notes #framework

Published on Feb 02, 2021