7 notes tagged with "belief"

Narrative Fallacy

We tend to see events as stories - with logical chains of cause and effect. We underestimate the role of randomness in the final outcome. We are meaning making machines - so we tend to assign meaning to things when actually it might be just random.

Tagged With: #cognitive-bias #belief

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Locus of Control

This refers to how we believe where the power in our life lies.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #framework #belief

Published on Oct 02, 2022

Belief System Scale

Belief Systems works at different scales...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #society

Published on Dec 30, 2021

Belief Systems

Belief systems refers to any belief or group of beliefs under one name. Eg. Christianity or Capitalism.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #mental-models

Published on Dec 02, 2021

Motivated Belief

Motivated Belief is when a person believes something because they want it to be true, not necessarily because that belief is supported by facts or other evidence.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #belief #psychology #meta-cognition #cognitive-bias

Published on Oct 06, 2021

Good Epistemic Habits

Instead of talking only about things that you are convinced about, talk also about things that you believe along with the path you took to arrive at your belief. You should convey your uncertainty in the belief if you have some.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #belief #epistemology #rationality

Published on Sep 02, 2021

Epistemology - Introduction to Theory of Knowledge

There is a difference between knowing and believing...

Tagged With: #literature-notes #epistemology #knowledge #philosophy #belief

Published on Aug 03, 2021