17 notes tagged with "zettelkasten"

Encode Framework

Framework to use when creating notes in the Zettelkasten format.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #zettelkasten #pkm #notes #learning

Published on May 20, 2022

Three Types of Note Taking Personalities

The word Digital Garden comes from this type.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #notes #zettelkasten #digital-garden

Published on Nov 12, 2021

Externalizing Ideas

Expressing an idea - be it speech or written, helps in forming it. A good way to create content about something is just talking about it and recording yourself. This process of of externalization helps with the thinking.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #idea-generation #zettelkasten #thinking #notes

Published on Nov 12, 2021

Illusion Of Explanatory Depth

People hold passionate views about topic that they don't really understand. They think they understand it - but its only apparent when they are asked to explain it in detail. That is where they will fail.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #zettelkasten #meta-cognition #psychology #understanding #learning

Published on Jul 17, 2021

Personal Knowledge Management

Knowledge workers need to be responsible for their own growth and learning. In Organizations, this is the bottom-up approach to knowledge management.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #pkm #knowledge-management #zettelkasten #notes

Published on Jun 11, 2021

Building a Second Brain

Building A Second Brain is a methodology for saving and systematically reminding us of the ideas, inspirations, insights, and connections we've gained through our experience.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #meta-cognition #framework #zettelkasten

Published on Apr 09, 2021


Zettelkasten is a note taking process and a knowledge management system. It's really good for researchers, academics who want to create content - but also good for people trying to learn.

Tagged With: #zettelkasten #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 20, 2021

Different Types of notes in Zettelkasten

Types of notes in Zettelkasten

Tagged With: #zettelkasten #notes

Published on Jan 20, 2021

How to Take Smart Notes

Context: This is notes made from the book 'How to Take Smart Notes' by S Ahrens - Website of the Book

Tagged With: #book #notes #literature-notes #zettelkasten

Published on Jan 15, 2021

Permanent Notes in Zettelkasten

Some rules for permanent notes...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #zettelkasten #pkm

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Thinking in Zettelkasten

The main work of understanding happens when we think and make connections. The Zettelkasten work flow makes thinking a concrete step - when you convert your fleeting notes to permanent notes. This also makes us think how this information is connected to our previous ideas - this makes connections between ideas. And also, will let us remember better.

Tagged With: #zettelkasten #permanent-notes #learning

Published on Dec 04, 2020

Capture Understanding - Don't Quote

When creating notes, capture your understanding of the concept. Don't quote directly.

Tagged With: #notes #learning #zettelkasten

Published on Aug 10, 2020