6 notes tagged with "identity"

Social identity theory

Social identity is the part of a person's self-concept that is made from their membership in a social group.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #identity #society #behavior

Published on Jul 10, 2024

Philosophy Of Personal Identity

Different theories of how one person is themselves over time...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #identity #self

Published on Apr 01, 2024


When boundaries between the identity of personal and professional gets blurred. The professional identity becomes the personal identity.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #career #psychology #identity

Published on May 15, 2022

Self Concept

Your self-concept is the collection of beliefs you hold about yourself. These smaller, specific beliefs are called the Self-schema. They are old sets of memories that would have generalized into beliefs about yourself. For eg, the Self-Schema/belief that 'I am introverted'.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #identity #psychology #self

Published on Jan 27, 2022

Identity Created from Suffering

Defining yourself by your suffering is an effective way to keep suffering forever (ex. incels, trauma).

Tagged With: #identity #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 24, 2020

Keep Identity Small

Keep your identity small. "I’m not the kind of person who does things like that" is not an explanation, it’s a trap.

Tagged With: #identity #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 24, 2020