10 notes tagged with "self"

Trait Theory

Trait theory defines personality with stable and lasting behavior patterns and conscious motivations. It describe personality characteristics(or traits) - not explain why they are there. These Traits can predict behavior and attitude.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #personality #physiology #self

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Environment For Self Growth

According to Carl Rogers, the growth of your self depends on what your environment gives you. For a healthy self, you would want these thingsā€¦

Tagged With: #self #psychology #growth #permanent-notes

Published on Jun 02, 2024

Self Esteem

While Self-concept is the belief of who we are(eg. I am introverted), Self-esteem is the value we attach to such a belief(eg. I hate that I am introverted).

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #self-improvement #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Ideal Self

This refers to who we want to be. This can be our long term goals, ambitions, etc. One interesting fact about your Ideal self is that it is dynamic. It is easier to change than most of the other components in Self-Concept.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Self Schema

Individual beliefs that you hold about yourself is called Self-Schema. Collectively, they make up the Self-Concept.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Self Image

Self-Image is how we see ourselves. It can be about your physical self(eg. I am tall) or about your current situation(Eg. I am a victim). These are stable beliefs - it's not very easy to change. It can be

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #psychology

Published on May 05, 2024

Philosophy Of Self In Eastern Traditions

Eastern Philosophy's view of self...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #self #philosophy

Published on Apr 12, 2024

Philosophy Of Personal Identity

Different theories of how one person is themselves over time...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #identity #self

Published on Apr 01, 2024

Non Self

Buddhism has a different view of self when compared to the west.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #philosophy #buddhism #self

Published on Mar 30, 2024

Self Concept

Your self-concept is the collection of beliefs you hold about yourself. These smaller, specific beliefs are called the Self-schema. They are old sets of memories that would have generalized into beliefs about yourself. For eg, the Self-Schema/belief that 'I am introverted'.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #identity #psychology #self

Published on Jan 27, 2022