Religions help mental health due to these factors...
Published on Jan 18, 2022
Common Factors between different types of therapy. As long as these factors are present, the therapy technique can help the mental health of patients.
Published on Jan 18, 2022
Deliberate practice is a method of learning by doing.
Published on Jan 10, 2022
Online Drift happens in online social media platforms - where you start of as a centrist - but gets slowly pushed to one extreme or the other. All online platforms will serve you content that you like. There is a progression for this - it will start of as mild - but it will become more and more extreme over time. This is to increase engagement.
Published on Jan 10, 2022
Deliberate practice is a planned series of mindful activities designed to improve a specific skill and guided by well-informed feedback.
Published on Jan 10, 2022
Try to read the paper by answering these questions...
Published on Dec 28, 2021
If someone asks you how much have you changed over the last 10 years, you can describe your change fairly well. But if you are asked "How much will you change in the next 10 years", your prediction will be way lesser than the actual change. You tend to think you'll stay more or less the same.
Published on Dec 28, 2021
Content from the book 'Psychology of Money'.
Published on Dec 28, 2021