
Rag Retrieval Augmented Generation

If you want to use LLMs with your own data, you can do it using RAG. You'll have to create a RAG Pipeline...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #llm #rag

Published on Jun 24, 2024

Vector Database

In the context of LLMs, vector is an array of numbers. This represents a point in a n-dimensional space - where n is the length of the array.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #llm #rag

Published on Jun 23, 2024

Psycho Analytic Theory

This is the theory that was developed by Sigmund Freud to explain human behavior. According to this theory, the conflict between the unconscious to do pleasurable things and the conscious to do the 'good' things creates all behavior. Most of this branch is no longer supported by modern psychology.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #therapy

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Trait Theory

Trait theory defines personality with stable and lasting behavior patterns and conscious motivations. It describe personality characteristics(or traits) - not explain why they are there. These Traits can predict behavior and attitude.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #personality #physiology #self

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Personality Psychology

Branch of psychology that studies personality and its variations. These show how individuals differ from each other.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #personality #psychology

Published on Jun 03, 2024

Environment For Self Growth

According to Carl Rogers, the growth of your self depends on what your environment gives you. For a healthy self, you would want these thingsā€¦

Tagged With: #self #psychology #growth #permanent-notes

Published on Jun 02, 2024

Hyper Focus

Mind-Wandering is natural. But if you can notice it wondering and bring it back to your original single intention, you will lead a richer and more enjoyable life.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #book #focus

Published on May 19, 2024

Occams Razor

Simpler explanation is probably the right one.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models

Published on May 19, 2024

Super Thinking

Super thinking book is a list of Mental models for better decisions...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #book #mental-models #decision-making

Published on May 19, 2024