
Bayesian Epistemology

Beliefs should have a defined degree of certainity rather than a binary true/false(like in classical Epistemology).

Tagged With: #literature-notes #probability #epistemology #philosophy

Published on Aug 30, 2021

Hot-Cold Empathy Gap

There is a significant difference in how we act in an emotionally changed state(hot state) when compared to your normal state(cold). When you are in cold state, you cannot predict how you will act when when in a cold state - you predict using your current state.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #emotion #decision-making

Published on Aug 30, 2021

Focus Difference in System 1 and System 2

When we encounter an easy problem we are relaxed/not focused. In this mode, the System 1 thinking is strengthened and system 2 weakened. When we are in this state, we will be more creative and intuitive. But we are more likely to make mistakes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #focus #thinking #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Substitution Heuristic

We substitute the actual question with an easier to answer question. Eg. "Will this man be a good secretary" becomes "Does this man fit my mental idea of a good secretary?"

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Availability Heuristic

You overestimate the probability of something that you hear more often/remember easily. Eg. We think accidents kill more people than strokes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Thinking Fast and Slow, Blinkist

Summary of the Thinking Fast and Slow book. Does not cover the things mentioned in the other note.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #psychology #cognitive-bias #learning #thinking

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Excited vs Happy

Choose What makes you excited vs what makes you happy. Seeking happiness might lead you to complacency or boredom.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #growth #productivity #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Define Dreams and Fears

When doing a long term plan, define your fears as well as your dreams.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #growth #fear #uncertainty #framework

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Four Hour Work Week

Define your fears and define your dreams.

Tagged With: #literature-notes

Published on Aug 18, 2021