
Seek-Sense-Share Framework

Part of the Personal Knowledge Mastery school of thought.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #sense-making #framework #pkm

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Personal Knowledge Mastery

Working smarter is increasing insights.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #sense-making #pkm #meta-cognition #learning

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Feedback Loops in Noisy Environments

Feedback loops can be...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #feedback #systems-thinking #process

Published on Jun 13, 2021

UK Government Design Principles

Have Empathy for users - but remember that what they ask for isn't always what they need.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #design-principles #framework #government

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Sense Making

Sense-making is the process by which people give meaning to their collective experiences.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #sense-making #learning

Published on Jun 11, 2021

DIKW Pyramid

DIKW Pyramid is a model that is useful in Personal Knowledge Management.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #sense-making

Published on Jun 11, 2021

Personal Knowledge Management

Knowledge workers need to be responsible for their own growth and learning. In Organizations, this is the bottom-up approach to knowledge management.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #pkm #knowledge-management #zettelkasten #notes

Published on Jun 11, 2021

You Only Know What you Make

You will only internalize knowledge when you apply it in someway, to create something. The smallest version of this is creating the notes when you consume content in systems like Zettelkasten. Expect only to know what is there in the notes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge-management #pkm #content

Published on Jun 09, 2021

Content Blocks

When creating content, blocks or parts of it can be used in other projects too. Keep re-usability in mind when creating content.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #content #reusability

Published on Jun 09, 2021