People think that you need absolute certainty when communicating your opinions to others for others to accept them. This is what I call evangelical mode. Julia Galef argues that it needn't be the case. There are two types of confidences...
Published on May 07, 2021
Soldier mindset thinks of their ideas as the land to defend - and attacks other external ideas or evidence that threaten their idea.
Published on May 07, 2021
Strengths, Weaknesses are looking internally - while Opportunities and threats are outward facing.
Published on Apr 27, 2021
How the role of CIO(Chief Information Officer) evolved over the years...
Published on Apr 27, 2021
A working environment where you are not afraid to ask for help or admit failure. You are not worried that it will cause some formal or informal action to be taken against you.
Published on Apr 23, 2021
Using a moral or emotional word in a tweet increase the likelihood of it being retweeted 15-20%.
Published on Apr 23, 2021
In Anthropology, imagined community is the idea of a community within all its members minds. Eg. Nations. Some characteristics...
Published on Apr 19, 2021
Anthropology is the study of humanity. It asks the same questions philosophers have asked - but only questions about humans(Why language? What is morality? etc). But rather than looking inward like philosophy, anthropology studies human cultures to get the the answers. Due to this, the answers Anthropology finds are not universal truths - its the truth of a set of people at a specific point in time.
Published on Apr 19, 2021