Building A Second Brain is a methodology for saving and systematically reminding us of the ideas, inspirations, insights, and connections we've gained through our experience.
Published on Apr 09, 2021
Use this framework when consuming content to practice critical thinking. Use this when you immediately agree/disagre with the content(that points to subjective thinking).
Published on Apr 09, 2021
There are 2 frameworks we can use when brainstorming...
Published on Apr 09, 2021
Complex Systems react to changes in the environment - this can be at different scales...
Published on Apr 08, 2021
State are the variables in a Complex Systems - you can study a system by looking at how the states changes. If states change relative to time, its a linear change(if not, non-linear). Complex systems are generally non-linear.
Published on Apr 08, 2021
Complex Systems can self organize thru emergence - create a complex global behavior without an external or central authority.
Published on Apr 08, 2021
The study of how many smaller systems(components) interacting with each other and their environment can create a bigger system without the need for an centralized authority or external interventions(System Self Organization). The super system that is built might not be predictable by knowing all the smaller systems. You'll have to see the parts, the connections - and also how these connections result in a new system. The creation of new behaviors and properties like this is called emergence.
Published on Apr 08, 2021
You can think of the chord progression as the “background” and the melody as the “foreground” of a song. The chords create the general mood, and the melody is the specific, memorable sequence of notes.
Published on Apr 08, 2021
Surfing the Urge is a practice to increase your Distress Tolerance(Ability to be in control when things go wrong). This is the process
Published on Apr 07, 2021