People rethink less when an issue is presented as black and white. But many activism movements tend to employ a binary framing. You are either an environmentalist or your a climate change denier. You are woke or you are a racist. Picking a side is an emotional task - not a good way to change your mind.
Published on Sep 13, 2021
In a constantly changing environment, it pays to be able to change your mind. You should know how to re-think - so as to integrate new information and also error check previous knowledge.
Published on Sep 13, 2021
SMART Goals are good for small tasks. But for larger goals, they break down. PACT system is more useful for those. Eg. "Learn Coding"
Published on Sep 12, 2021
Symmetric Competition is multiple elements competing for the same resource.
Published on Sep 12, 2021
Therefore, learning process should include unlearning.
Published on Sep 09, 2021
Accelerated Expertise is 'taking the concept of skill development to the limit'.
Published on Sep 09, 2021
Note: This was given as an example of what not to do - so use with caution. A suggested better method was Accelerated Expertise Training
Published on Sep 09, 2021