
Promise modal of Mindfulness Meditation

After integrating the information from the three sources (interviews, Western concepts, Buddhist scriptures), we created a model on the process and mechanisms that lead to the positive effects of mindfulness meditation.

Tagged With: #equanimity #literature-notes #meditation #mindfullness #paper #psychology

Published on Dec 08, 2020

Difference in classical and operant conditioning

Learning in psychology(esp. Behavioral Psychology) is through classical or operant conditioning. Its a change in behavior depending on the environment.

Tagged With: #classical #conditioning #operant #pavlov #psychology

Published on Dec 08, 2020

Existentialism: main features


Tagged With: #philosophy #existentialism

Published on Dec 08, 2020

Acknowledge the root of distraction

Acknowledge your need to avoid pain and to seek pleasure. Every time you want to focus on a task, acknowledge your immediate response. Are you trying to avoid pain? Or you’re looking for pleasure? When you become the observer, you’ll be able to be in charge.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #observe

Published on Dec 07, 2020