
Absorbing a Book

To be transformed by a book, readers must do more than absorb information: they must bathe in the book’s ideas, relate those ideas to experiences in their lives over weeks and months, try on the book’s Mental Models like a new hat.

Tagged With: #quote #book #read

Published on Aug 09, 2020

Behavior Triggers

Behavior Triggers(in Behavioral Psychology) fall into these categories...

Tagged With: #psychology #trigger #behavior #habit

Published on Aug 09, 2020

Controlling Others Behavior because you can't Control your Emotions

If people can't control their own emotion, then they have to start trying to control other people's behavior.

Tagged With: #quote #emotion #political-correctness

Published on Jul 22, 2020

Motivated Reasoning

Motivated Reasoning is a Cognitive bias - we tend to accept/believe more easily and with less scrutiny things we think are correct. If we encounter an idea that we think is wrong, we subject it to more scrutiny - it has a higher bar to clear for us to accept it.

Tagged With: #rationality #reasoning #permanent-notes #psychology #cognitive-bias

Published on Jul 21, 2020


Not Mentoring: Mentor should have a long term experience in the field. Not Teaching: You can coach in a field that you don't know.

Tagged With: #coach #session #notes #mentor

Published on Jul 19, 2020

Women Who Never Married Or Had Children

"The Healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children" Paul Dolan, The Independent

Tagged With: #quote #feminism #happy #marriage

Published on Jul 16, 2020


Eudaimonia is not an emotion, it is more a constant state of being.

Tagged With: #philosophy #definition #greek #plant-note

Published on Jul 14, 2020


Arete - Virtue or Excellence. Being your highest self.

Tagged With: #philosophy #greek #definition

Published on Jul 14, 2020

Empowering Self : Transactional Analysis 101

TA is a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and change.

Tagged With: #psychology #transactional-analysis #literature-notes #therapy

Published on Jun 06, 2020