
First Principles

This tool will let you break down a problem into is smallest units and build a solution focusing on those units. We generally understand by analogy - we connect the new information to something we already know. That's easier and quicker - but not as accurate as getting to the first principles. Some ways to do this...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #mental-models #problem-solving #meta-cognition #framework

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Fishbone Diagram

Use this to find the root causes of issues. Also know as Ishikawa diagram or cause-and-effect diagram.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #problem-solving #mental-models #framework

Published on Jul 02, 2021

Learning in Public

Sharing the process of building/learning something in public is better that sharing the goal of building it. Advantages of sharing the process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #framework #meta-cognition

Published on Jun 25, 2021


PARA is a Personal Knowledge Management framework

Tagged With: #pkm #literature-notes #framework #project-management

Published on Jun 25, 2021

Process to Learn a new skill

This is a modified version of the Organizational Knowledge Management process. This process is more geared for Personal Knowledge Management and skill building.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #plant-note #pkm #learning #meta-cognition #knowledge-management

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Types of Knowledge

There are three types of knowledge in Organizational Knowledge Management...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #pkm #knowledge-management

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Organizational Knowledge Management

Organizational knowledge is all the knowledge contained within an organization that can provide business value.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #knowledge-management #framework #organization #learning

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Progressive Summarization

Progressive Summarization is a technique that relies on summarizing a note in multiple stages over time. You save only the best excerpts from whatever you’re reading, and then create a summary of those excerpts, and then a summary of that summary, distilling the essence of the content at each stage.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #understanding #learning

Published on Jun 23, 2021

GROWS Process

From AAARRR Pirate Funnel

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #marketing #framework

Published on Jun 23, 2021