38 notes tagged with "learning"

Drefyus Model Of Skill Acquisition

Dreyfus model is used to access and support skill development. It can also provide an acceptable level for measuring competence or capability.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #skill

Published on Aug 10, 2024

Cross Domain Thinking

Using the knowledge and insights of one domain in another domain. This can create new insights, products, solutions or processes.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #problem-solving #learning #innovation

Published on Aug 09, 2024

Deming Cycle

This is a framework for continuous improvement and learning. It has for steps that can repeat...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #learning #change-management

Published on Jun 23, 2023

Spaced Repetation

This is a learning method that improves recall and typically done with flashcards. This is based on the idea of a 'forgetting curve' - the rate at which we forget new information over time. If we are exposed to the information again at the main points of the forgetting curve, we will not forget it.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #learning #meta-cognition

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Feynman Technique

Zettelkasten uses a variant of this as it asks you to Capture Understanding - Don't Quote.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Cognitive load theory

Different kinds of tasks has different demands on people’s working memory. More complex and difficult tasks has higher "cognitive load" and a greater perceived mental effort. There are 3 types of cognitive load..

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #pkm #meta-cognition

Published on Nov 25, 2022

Compression Progress

Humans have a natural curiosity - its a drive to learn patterns, rules, heuristic that lets you compress your understanding into something that's easier to remember. If you encounter a new rule that can better compress knowledge than the earlier one, that is 'compression progress'. Brain will use the better rule from then onward. We learn many such rules as children - but we refine them as we grow older. Brain rewards us with a good feeling or 'Aha moments' when we find a better rule.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #meta-cognition #pkm

Published on Nov 25, 2022

Knowledge Shields

The use of existing knowledge to prevent new and perhaps contradictory knowledge to come in. The mind will try to protect its existing beliefs. Knowledge Shields can lead to wrong conclusions and can make us discount evidence.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #meta-cognition

Published on Oct 16, 2022

Learning is adding to Long Term Memory

Learning is adding things to your long term memory.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #learning #cognition #meta-cognition

Published on Sep 28, 2022

Encode Framework

Framework to use when creating notes in the Zettelkasten format.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #framework #zettelkasten #pkm #notes #learning

Published on May 20, 2022

Creativity comes from internalized knowledge

Creativity and problem solving is better when you have internalized knowledge about the problem domain. This helps you make quick connections, try multiple combinations, see patterns and intuit answers.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #creativity #knowledge #pkm #learning #problem-solving

Published on May 18, 2022

Deliberate Practice - Achieve Mastery in Anything

Deliberate practice is a method of learning by doing.

Tagged With: #practice #learning #growth #literature-notes #skill

Published on Jan 10, 2022

Deliberate Practice

Deliberate practice is a planned series of mindful activities designed to improve a specific skill and guided by well-informed feedback.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #knowledge #pkm #skill #growth #practice #learning

Published on Jan 10, 2022

Bloom's Taxonomy(Revised)

Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical system that orders cognitive tasks that can be used to help teach and learn.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #cognition #pkm #knowledge #framework

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Cognitive Transformation Theory

Therefore, learning process should include unlearning.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #learning #mental-models

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Cognitive Flexibility Theory

Assumptions/Core arguments of CFT

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #learning #mental-models

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Accelerated Expertise Training

Accelerated Expertise is 'taking the concept of skill development to the limit'.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #sense-making

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Pedagogy Model for Creating Trainings

Note: This was given as an example of what not to do - so use with caution. A suggested better method was Accelerated Expertise Training

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #skill #teaching

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Purposeful Practice

Related to Deliberate Practice

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #habit #deep-work #learning

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Thinking Fast and Slow, Blinkist

Summary of the Thinking Fast and Slow book. Does not cover the things mentioned in the other note.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #meta-cognition #psychology #cognitive-bias #learning #thinking

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Talent Stacking

Develop a variety of skills that make you unique. You can get to the top 20% with Deliberate Practice and limited time - with just 20% of the effort. Collect a list of such skills and you will have a very competitive advantage. Ideally, pick up skills that compound over time - it should get better the more you use it(eg. Writing).

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #productivity #systems #learning #growth

Published on Aug 18, 2021

Stages of Learning

When learning a skill people go thru 5 cognitive progression stages. They learn to think differently in each stage...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #psychology #framework

Published on Aug 17, 2021

Learning Skills

There are two types of learning for skills..

Tagged With: #literature-notes #learning #framework

Published on Jul 27, 2021

Illusion Of Explanatory Depth

People hold passionate views about topic that they don't really understand. They think they understand it - but its only apparent when they are asked to explain it in detail. That is where they will fail.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #zettelkasten #meta-cognition #psychology #understanding #learning

Published on Jul 17, 2021

Learning in Public

Sharing the process of building/learning something in public is better that sharing the goal of building it. Advantages of sharing the process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #framework #meta-cognition

Published on Jun 25, 2021

Process to Learn a new skill

This is a modified version of the Organizational Knowledge Management process. This process is more geared for Personal Knowledge Management and skill building.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #plant-note #pkm #learning #meta-cognition #knowledge-management

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Organizational Knowledge Management

Organizational knowledge is all the knowledge contained within an organization that can provide business value.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #knowledge-management #framework #organization #learning

Published on Jun 24, 2021

Progressive Summarization

Progressive Summarization is a technique that relies on summarizing a note in multiple stages over time. You save only the best excerpts from whatever you’re reading, and then create a summary of those excerpts, and then a summary of that summary, distilling the essence of the content at each stage.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #understanding #learning

Published on Jun 23, 2021

Personal Knowledge Mastery

Working smarter is increasing insights.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #sense-making #pkm #meta-cognition #learning

Published on Jun 13, 2021

Sense Making

Sense-making is the process by which people give meaning to their collective experiences.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #sense-making #learning

Published on Jun 11, 2021

DIKW Pyramid

DIKW Pyramid is a model that is useful in Personal Knowledge Management.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #pkm #learning #sense-making

Published on Jun 11, 2021

Paraphrasing to Remember

Paraphrasing something after we learn it is the best way to understand our gaps in knowledge. It is a way better tool to remember things compared to re-reading the content.

Tagged With: #learning #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 20, 2021

How I read books: a guide on how to learn

Instead of reading 100 books, it's better to find one that really changes your life.

Tagged With: #learning #literature-notes #read #book

Published on Dec 04, 2020

Thinking in Zettelkasten

The main work of understanding happens when we think and make connections. The Zettelkasten work flow makes thinking a concrete step - when you convert your fleeting notes to permanent notes. This also makes us think how this information is connected to our previous ideas - this makes connections between ideas. And also, will let us remember better.

Tagged With: #zettelkasten #permanent-notes #learning

Published on Dec 04, 2020

Capture Understanding - Don't Quote

When creating notes, capture your understanding of the concept. Don't quote directly.

Tagged With: #notes #learning #zettelkasten

Published on Aug 10, 2020

Mastery by Discovery

Only when you discover something yourself, will you have proper understanding of it - until then its just a concept you know.

Tagged With: #discovery #learning #mastery

Published on Aug 09, 2020