32 notes tagged with "cognition"

Curse Of Knowledge

When communicating with others, we assume that they have all the background information about the topic that we have already. Eg. when teaching others, the teacher can't understand why it's so difficult for the student to get it when it's so simple for themselves.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #cognition #teaching

Published on Aug 14, 2024

Religion A Mode Of Knowing

Religious thinking is embedded in our cognitive process - its a mode of knowing.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #religion #behavior #cognition

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Course

Identity labels: We are meaning making machines. We will assign labels or meanings to events - that will affect the way we process it.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #therapy #cbt #behavior #cognition #psychology

Published on Jan 01, 2023

Cognitive Bias

Cognitive Bias is a known error in the thinking process. These are generally caused by brain using shortcuts to process large amount of inputs.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognitive-bias #psychology #meta-cognition #cognition

Published on Oct 15, 2022

Learning is adding to Long Term Memory

Learning is adding things to your long term memory.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #memory #learning #cognition #meta-cognition

Published on Sep 28, 2022

DOSE - Brain Hormones

Many of these stimulate the Vagus Nerve.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognition

Published on May 15, 2022

Cognitive Distortions

Exaggerated irrational thinking that can lead to anxiety/depression - or continue the state of anxiety/depression. This causes people to have a wrong idea about reality - often a negative one. It reinforces negative thoughts and emotions. Part of the CBT model.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cbt #therapy #cognition #bias #psychology

Published on Dec 16, 2021


CBT is a Therapy model that focus on the reducing or managing symptoms of mental health conditions. CBT belongs to the Cognitive and Behavioral schools in Psychology.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #therapy #cbt #behavior #cognition #psychology

Published on Dec 16, 2021


The science of understanding the mind and behaviors. This tries to understand why you do what you do.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognition #behavior

Published on Nov 14, 2021

Bloom's Taxonomy(Revised)

Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical system that orders cognitive tasks that can be used to help teach and learn.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #learning #teaching #cognition #pkm #knowledge #framework

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Get Better at Being Wrong

How to get better at being wrong...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #cognition #psychology #rationality

Published on Sep 14, 2021

Think Again by Adam Grant

In a constantly changing environment, it pays to be able to change your mind. You should know how to re-think - so as to integrate new information and also error check previous knowledge.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #cognition #meta-cognition #psychology

Published on Sep 13, 2021

Cognitive Transformation Theory

Therefore, learning process should include unlearning.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #learning #mental-models

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Cognitive Flexibility Theory

Assumptions/Core arguments of CFT

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #learning #mental-models

Published on Sep 09, 2021

Intuition in Philosophy

Intuition in philosophy is "an indirect way to grasp knowledge and morality". You intuitively know if an action is right or wrong - even though you can't work out why.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #epistemology #philosophy #intuition #cognition

Published on Aug 03, 2021

Neuroscience of Creativity, Perception, and Confirmation Bias

All behavior is to reduce uncertainty - uncertainty brings stress.

Tagged With: #literature-notes #psychology #cognition #creativity #uncertainty #epistemology

Published on Jul 29, 2021

Second-order thinking

This is a tool that makes you think of the long term consequences of your decisions. Process...

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #decision-making #rationality #framework #cognition

Published on Jul 10, 2021

How to think clearly

Shortcut Method: Try to explain the concept to a child(ELI5).

Tagged With: #literature-notes #cognition #meta-cognition #understanding #pkm

Published on Jun 23, 2021

Being mindful of defensive thinking

When we encounter ideas that are contrary to what we believe, we have a mental barrier that automatically defends against it. We can only think of reasons why the new idea is wrong. We need to be mindful of this barrier - and have to learn how to disable it. Very important in having a Scout Mindset

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #cognition #mindset

Published on Jun 01, 2021

Environmental Psychology

Environmental psychology: interplay between people and their surroundings - how our environment affects our behavior, our performance, and our well-being. Its used in many fields such as interior design, architecture, retail, education and more.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #psychology #cognition

Published on May 07, 2021

Emotional Tweet Virility

Using a moral or emotional word in a tweet increase the likelihood of it being retweeted 15-20%.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #social-media #cognition

Published on Apr 23, 2021


Anthropology is the study of humanity. It asks the same questions philosophers have asked - but only questions about humans(Why language? What is morality? etc). But rather than looking inward like philosophy, anthropology studies human cultures to get the the answers. Due to this, the answers Anthropology finds are not universal truths - its the truth of a set of people at a specific point in time.

Tagged With: #permanent-notes #anthropology #society #cognition #philosophy

Published on Apr 19, 2021

Cognitive Dissonance

When someone holds beliefs, ideas, values that are contradictory to each other, it creates psychological stress. People will do all they can to change them till it becomes consistent so as to reduce the stress.

Tagged With: #psychology #behavior #permanent-notes #cognition

Published on Jan 22, 2021

Feelings are noisy signals

Feelings are noisy signals about met & unmet needs.

Tagged With: #emotion #psychology #cognition #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 06, 2021

Mere-Exposure Effect

Psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. Doing something many times makes us believe that we are good at it - independent of our actual skill. Used in advertising - seeing the advertisement of a brand multiple times will make us like it more.

Tagged With: #psychology #cognition #permanent-notes

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Dunning–Kruger Effect

Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low competence in a field overestimate their competence.

Tagged With: #psychology #permanent-notes #cognition #cognitive-bias

Published on Jan 05, 2021

Impact of Metaphor Thinking

Issues that come with Metaphorical Thinking idea in Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Tagged With: #cognition #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020

Embodied cognition

The mind is not only connected to the body but that the body influences the mind (in a way that the two always have to be considered together).

Tagged With: #cognition #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020

Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Conceptual Metaphor Theory: Abstract concepts are metaphorically understood. Eg. "Affection"(Abstract concept) is understood in terms of "warmth"(metaphor).

Tagged With: #cognition #psychology #permanent-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020

Embodiment and Human Nature

Embodied cognition, the idea that the mind is not only connected to the body but that the body influences the mind (in a way that the two always have to be considered together)

Tagged With: #psychology #philosophy #cognition #literature-notes

Published on Dec 25, 2020