All people have some bad movements. Social media outrage is generally driven by a collective memory of just those bad movements.
Published on Jan 01, 2023
Content than make you emotional are more likely to be spread/shared.
Published on Jan 27, 2022
Everyone has a personal philosophy. Try to make it an intentionally reasoned and chosen one - and not an amalgamation of all that has accumulated in your brain because of the environment that you were in.
Published on Oct 20, 2021
There is a significant difference in how we act in an emotionally changed state(hot state) when compared to your normal state(cold). When you are in cold state, you cannot predict how you will act when when in a cold state - you predict using your current state.
Published on Aug 30, 2021
When you have a strong emotion(eg. Shame), it can take over your rational thinking process. The thinking process will be co-opted to think up reasons to feel the emotions(eg. I'm feeling shame because I failed in my exams when I was a child) - its looking for some coherent explaination - not the truth.
Published on Aug 11, 2021
The unwanted habits or behaviors are triggered by a negative emotion that you want to get away from. The unwanted behavior is how you distract yourself from the negative emotion. People strive to avoid psychological discomfort.
Published on Jul 19, 2021
People can cultivate positive emotions by learning to change the stories they tell themselves about the events in their lives. This is what ABC of CBT does as well.
Published on Mar 05, 2021
Feelings are noisy signals about met & unmet needs.
Published on Jan 06, 2021
If people can't control their own emotion, then they have to start trying to control other people's behavior.
Published on Jul 22, 2020