LEAP Framework Workshop
LEAP Ethical Selling Framework
3 Core Principles for Listening
- Join the conversation going on in their mind
- Attunement - Be attuned to them
- Try to be a problem finder rather than a problem solver
Be an Explorer
- Ask Questions
- Assign the correct meaning to the given answers
- Question the answers
- Beware of confirmation bias - you might be assigning meaning that you want to be true.
Be interested in the other person rather than trying to be interesting.
Question to ask yourself
- What are their fears and frustrations?
- What are their wants and aspirations?
- What problem are they trying to solve?
- What is the problem behind that problem?
- What is behind that? 5 Whys
- What is the problem behind that problem?
See sales as an act of service.
Questions to ask yourself
- What makes this buyer a 'no' for you?
- What should make this offer a clear 'no' for them?
- What can you say to make it very clear that they are in control and that you don't need their purchase?
How to handle a 'No'
Be Ok with it. Offer a no to them during the conversation.
- "In what way the offer don't meet your needs?"
- "What would have made it an yes?"
- "Can I follow up with you at a later time?"
- "Is there anything else that I can help you with?"
- "Would you want me to give you some resources that might help you with the problem(books, links, etc.)?"
- "Anyone comes to mind who might be interested in this?"
Questions to ask yourself
- What vision do they have - and where don't they overlap with your vision?
- Helps you understand the fears and objections.
- What's the best way to make the ask based on their vision?
- How can you make sure that no is a valid option for them?
What is a typical reaction when you hear a no? What would be a more helpful reaction?