Social Construction Of Reality

The process by which people continuously create, through their actions and interactions, a shared reality that is experienced as objectively factual and subjectively meaningful.

The main sociological question in this is 'How does something come to be accepted as real?'. This process has 3 parts...


First step to create a social reality - we project our ideas and meanings onto the world. Eg. People coming together to create a law.

  • Nature("given" to humans)
  • Culture(made by humans)
    • Material Culture - hardware we make
    • Non-material Culture - Ideas, norms, values

All the 'facts' about the world fall into these categories...

  • Nature
    • Natural facts(mountains, lions)
  • Culture
    • Technological facts(eg. Hammers, Computers)
    • Institutional Facts(eg. money, marriage)
    • Normative facts(eg. Freedom, fulfillment)


Process by which given meanings becomes seen as objective reality. This can happen in these ways...

  • Institutionalization: When meaningful behaviors become habitual/routine
  • Historicity: More time we have with a meaning, the more it 'hardens'.
  • Legitimization: Given a cognitive and moral basis that will explain/justify it. Eg. Religion
  • Language: Meaning becomes embedded in language


This is the process where an individual absorbs the social reality in themselves.
