Organizational Knowledge Management

Organizational knowledge is all the knowledge contained within an organization that can provide business value.

Types of knowledge

  • Explicit knowledge: documented knowledge - processes, FAQs, research, etc.
  • Tacit knowledge: practical know-how that comes thru experience. Difficult to articulate and pass on.
  • Implicit knowledge: Intuitive knowledge that comes thru mastery or years of experience.


  • Individual
  • Group/Community
  • Structural(Process, culture, etc.)
  • Organizational Memory(Documented knowledge)


  • Better Alignment
  • Increased Productivity
  • Retain knowledge
  • Added value to customer experience
  • Continual Growth

Steps to build a KM framework

  • Define the focus: define exactly what you want to do - create internal knowledge documentation - or faqs for customers or something else.
  • Who are working on it and what are their goals. Give roles to people working on it...
    • Project Managers
    • Knowledge Finders
    • Knowledge Communicators
  • Decide tools and tech

KM Process

  1. Collect data
  2. Organize data
  3. Summarize information
  4. Analyze Information
  5. Synthesize information into knowledge
  6. Apply learned knowledge
  7. Store knowledge in a way that is efficient for retrieval and updating(eg. Wiki, Google Docs)