Pavlov's 5 Major Conditioning Processes

  1. Acquisition: Is the initial learning that takes place. It is determined by how much time elapses between the presenting the neutral stimuli (NS) and the unconditioned stimuli (UCS).
  2. Extinction: Is how long it takes to forget or eliminate the conditioned response (CR).
  3. Spontaneous Recovery: Happens after the conditioned response (CR) reappears after a long period of time. It proved that Extinction only suppressed the conditioned response (CR), not completely eliminated it.
  4. Generalization: Is the tendency to respond to stimuli that is similar to the conditioned stimuli (CS). For example Pavlov’s dog would drool upon hearing a buzzer as well as the bell.
  5. Discrimination: Is the learned ability to differentiate between similar stimuli (the dog learns eventually to tell the difference between the bell and the buzzer).