Fishbone Diagram
Use this to find the root causes of issues. Also know as Ishikawa diagram or cause-and-effect diagram.
- Define the problem (Eg. User Signups for newsletter are less than metric)
- List contributing factors or Categories
- Breakdown the problem into different areas(Eg. Signup Form issues, Content is not interesting, Wrong type of people visiting)
- Generic Categories: People, Equipments, Methods, Measurement, Material and Environment
- List possible causes for each factor/category.
- Eg. Under Signup Form Issues, there will be causes like: Too many form elements, Form asking data like credit card that people don't want to share, Form page loading is slow, etc.
- Ask why is it happening
- Use the 5 Whys approach.
- Use First Principles
- List all issues you can think of
- Analyze the findings
- Prioritize the causes and solve
This has a visual layout - but you can get the same effect by doing a nested list.