Belief Systems
Belief systems refers to any belief or group of beliefs under one name. Eg. Christianity or Capitalism.
For anyone who has accepted a Belief System, its their Mental Model of how the world is and how it works. They have created these belief systems to better interface with the world. These beliefs can be(but not limited to)...
- Definitions. Eg. The car I bought with my money is 'My Car'.
- An idea of how things work. Eg. If I push on the accelerator, the car will move faster.
- Values. Eg. 'My way of driving the car is the best way to drive.'
- Predictions about the future. Eg. If everyone drove like me, we would be living in an utopia
- Assigned Meaning
Other phrases that have been used to convey the same meaning are...
- Personal Philosophy
- Stories - Yuval Noah Harari prefers this
- Social Constructs
- Religion
- Shared Intentions in Humans - Jonathan Haidt in Righteous Mind
- Maps
- Semantics
- Myth in Semiotics