Crucial Conversation
A conversation is crucial if it has...
- Opposing opinions
- High stakes
- Strong emotions
There is an inaccurate choice during crucial conversations, which is choosing between telling the truth and keeping a friend. There is a way to do both.
Once you recognize the need for conversation, get to it fast. Avoid Conflict Lag.
Topic of Conversation
- Content: The immediate pain
- Pattern: if the same issue has happened three or more times its a pattern
- Relationship: If the problems continue, it can impact the relationship. This can affect trust, belief of competence or respect towards the other person.
- Process: If all things are going well and you still have an issue, you might need to talk about the process of the conversation.
During the conversation
What is the bigger picture? What is the goal of this conversation? Keep that in mind when going into the conversation.
Ensure safety
Spot the turning point - when the conversation turns crucial. Watch for problem responses - Silence or Violence.
How are you reacting - control your emotions
Retracing your path to action(Think ABC of CBT)
- Act: Examine your behavior
- Feel: What are you feeling?
- Story: What is my belief about my observations / what is the story I'm telling myself
- See / hear: The observable facts
Share your story - encourage others to share theirs
- Test your story and others story
- If they don't share, use the priming technique: Guessing Others State
Make content safe
- Mention the common purpose
- Keep mutual respect
Watch for topic changes
If the other party brings up a different topic(for eg. a past incident, another concern, etc.), acknowledge it. You can bookmark the topic for another conversation if need be - but stay on topic.
Move to result
- Assign actionables: who does what
- Follow through: When and who follows up
- Document these things