Belief System Rough Notes

Belief Systems

Exact boundaries are very difficult. Most people hold a slightly different version of the belief.

Can we define vague boundaries that can include most people.

The 'is Good' Framework for belief system. Think of any existing societal system. Add the phrase 'is Good' at the end of it - that is the belief system. Eg. Capitalism is good. Religion is good.

You might have exceptions to it - but do you agree with the statement at a general sense? If so, that is a Belief System that you hold.

Another framework is the 'is Reality' - X is how the world is.

What are the predictions about the future for these belief systems? Make sure the predictions have Falsifiability.

Can you run experiments to test for this falsifiability?

We can have better control over our beliefs if we collect them into belief systems.

Example: Standard Roadmap for life

There is roadmap that society has for life...

  • Born
  • Get into a good school
  • Get into a good college
  • Get into a good job
  • Marriage
  • Kids
  • Etc

I am not sure if this belief system has a name. But I call it 'Standard Roadmap for life' belief system. It is not a bad thing - its very useful as a default template for life. But it gets harmful if you are not allowed to deviate from it. Its better to use that as a template - but design your own roadmap.
