Your Brain At Work

  • Prioritize Prioritizing
  • Brain as a stage - with the 'director' controlling who comes on stage at what time
  • New concepts take up more energy to hold in your mind in active focus compared to concepts you already know
  • Brain wants to load the easiest concepts into working memory. Practice loading the most important concepts instead.
  • There is an energy cost to stop your brain from engaging with distractions. This is the braking cost.
  • Good Stress - an optimal amount of stress is required for peak performance
  • Practice intentionally increasing and decreasing neuro-transmitters(oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline, etc).
  • Impasse: Getting stuck with the same solutions. You can get out of this by letting the brain go idle.
  • Insights happen more when you are relaxed and happy.
  • Two Responses to Stimuli
    • Away Response - Minimize Danger
    • Toward Response - Maximize Reward
  • Expectations
    • Met Expectations create a slight increase in dopamine / slight reward
    • Exceeded expectation create a strong increase
    • Unmet expectations create a large decrease / strong threat response